Work commenced yesterday on pruning the large trees on Mi Sol.
This involves the pruning of 86 Eucalyptus trees and 31 False Pepper trees.
The total cost will be Euro 2925 . 00, including the removal of all debris.
This is in contrast to a previous quotation by another company of Euro 4500 . 00, and that did not include the removal of the rubbish which is estimated to be at least another Euro 1200 . 00.
The Company carrying out the work were recommended to the Committee, having previously been employed privately on Mi Sol. The task is expected to take two to three weeks to complete.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Saturday, 26 January 2008
New Newsletter.
A new Mi Sol Newsletter has been launched, the first edition is attached here. This is very kindly being produced by Owner Mrs Mo Taunton and is expected to appear on a monthly basis.
I have been acutely aware for some time that not all Owners have access to the internet to read this Web Log, but would still like to be kept up to date with events on Mi sol.
Copies of the Newsletter will be posted in the Office, in addition any Owner wishing to have their own copy sent to the U.K can do so by paying the cost of postage. The cost of the subscription could be added to their Mi Sol account.

I have been acutely aware for some time that not all Owners have access to the internet to read this Web Log, but would still like to be kept up to date with events on Mi sol.
Copies of the Newsletter will be posted in the Office, in addition any Owner wishing to have their own copy sent to the U.K can do so by paying the cost of postage. The cost of the subscription could be added to their Mi Sol account.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Wall Painting Continued
The second phase of the wall painting has begun with this portrait of Pablo Picasso, quite amazing this can be done with a few cans of spray paint.
Unfortunately a member of the Local Police stopped them working the other day, demanding a certificate of permission from the Town Hall. as one was not available, he confiscated their materials. It seems this particular policeman is fairly new to the district, and has taken this action against them before. Normal service is expected to be resumed shortly after the artists visit the town hall. It is strange that other Police officers have stopped and congratulated the Artists on their work. Spain can be a mysterious place at times.
Unfortunately a member of the Local Police stopped them working the other day, demanding a certificate of permission from the Town Hall. as one was not available, he confiscated their materials. It seems this particular policeman is fairly new to the district, and has taken this action against them before. Normal service is expected to be resumed shortly after the artists visit the town hall. It is strange that other Police officers have stopped and congratulated the Artists on their work. Spain can be a mysterious place at times.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Bank Statement
Here is the latest statement from Banco Popular. Whilst things are starting to look better financially, there is still a long way to go.
One interesting fact worth pointing out, is that the water charges for December 2007 amounted to Euro 1117 . 89. The equivalent charges for August 2007 were Euro 5028 . 05 a difference of Euro 3910 . 16, in other words nearly Euro 1000 per week. Whilst not all this difference can be attributed to the loss of water from the swimming pool, there is no doubt it is the major factor. This is the reason the pool will not be opened again until it has undergone a major refurbishment. I have now had it confirmed beyond doubt, that the floor of the pool is badly damaged, having suffered major cracking of the foundations.
One interesting fact worth pointing out, is that the water charges for December 2007 amounted to Euro 1117 . 89. The equivalent charges for August 2007 were Euro 5028 . 05 a difference of Euro 3910 . 16, in other words nearly Euro 1000 per week. Whilst not all this difference can be attributed to the loss of water from the swimming pool, there is no doubt it is the major factor. This is the reason the pool will not be opened again until it has undergone a major refurbishment. I have now had it confirmed beyond doubt, that the floor of the pool is badly damaged, having suffered major cracking of the foundations.

Thursday, 17 January 2008
Be Careful
Paco and his supporters have been reading the water and electricity meters, and trying to charge some of his supporters for the amounts they have used. At least one of his supporters has paid this charge into the Cambank account in the mistaken belief that they have paid their dues to the Community. This is based on the promise that Paco made to pay any monies he received for water and electricity into the Mi Sol Banco Popular account. This is just one of many broken promises made by the other faction.
Paco and the Lawyer they employ, know very well that the water and electricity bill for the Community are paid through the Mi Sol Banco Popular account. From conversations I have had recently with some of their supporters, it would seem they are not being told this.
Having demonstrated quite clearly to them that the electricity account is in my sole name, not the Communities and that both that and the water are paid through Banco Popular, they said they were surprised and had not been told this before. Readers of this Web Log will know that these bills are paid through Banco Popular from the bank statements regularly posted here.
Leaving aside the question of the legality of the actions of the other faction collecting money from Owners and then not using it for the purpose for which it was given to them, I would remind all Owners that the Official Bank Account of Mi Sol Park is:-
Banco Popular Account number ES 92 0075 1412 6706 0000 6937
This is the account from which all bills relating to the administration of Mi Sol is paid.
If you pay money to any other account, then you have not paid the Community, and the charges will still be liable.
I also explained to these supporters that since becoming President on 29th September 2007, every single penny, down to the last Centimos, including the petty cash, is accounted for, and backed by receipts. Any Owner can satisfy themselves that is true by visiting the offices of Mi Sol Administrators APYME, between 9.30 am and 1.00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive.
Paco and the Lawyer they employ, know very well that the water and electricity bill for the Community are paid through the Mi Sol Banco Popular account. From conversations I have had recently with some of their supporters, it would seem they are not being told this.
Having demonstrated quite clearly to them that the electricity account is in my sole name, not the Communities and that both that and the water are paid through Banco Popular, they said they were surprised and had not been told this before. Readers of this Web Log will know that these bills are paid through Banco Popular from the bank statements regularly posted here.
Leaving aside the question of the legality of the actions of the other faction collecting money from Owners and then not using it for the purpose for which it was given to them, I would remind all Owners that the Official Bank Account of Mi Sol Park is:-
Banco Popular Account number ES 92 0075 1412 6706 0000 6937
This is the account from which all bills relating to the administration of Mi Sol is paid.
If you pay money to any other account, then you have not paid the Community, and the charges will still be liable.
I also explained to these supporters that since becoming President on 29th September 2007, every single penny, down to the last Centimos, including the petty cash, is accounted for, and backed by receipts. Any Owner can satisfy themselves that is true by visiting the offices of Mi Sol Administrators APYME, between 9.30 am and 1.00 pm Monday to Friday inclusive.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Bar Contract
As promised here is a copy of the Bar lease agreement, in English and Spanish.
Copies have been placed in the Office for any Owner to inspect if they so wish.
For reasons not known at this time, the contract was not drawn up by Mi Sol Lawyer Rosario.
It must be pointed out that since this agreement was made, Mr Derek Olive gave up his interest in the Bar, the contract solely in the name of Mr Morans.

Copies have been placed in the Office for any Owner to inspect if they so wish.
For reasons not known at this time, the contract was not drawn up by Mi Sol Lawyer Rosario.
It must be pointed out that since this agreement was made, Mr Derek Olive gave up his interest in the Bar, the contract solely in the name of Mr Morans.

Friday, 11 January 2008
Accommodation Wanted
Here is an e-mail I received recently from a family looking for rental accommodation in the Summer. If you have anywhere suitable and willing to let it, please contact the Lady directly at her e-mail address:
Dear Neill,
Apologies for contacting you personally but this was the only mail address I could find on my searches.
My family, (2 adults plus two girls aged 16) are looking for somewhere to stay from 21/07/08 to 31/07/08....(round-about those dates, they can be flexible.)
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
Very kind regards,
Leah Ford.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Swimming Pool
An unscheduled Committee meeting was called at short notice, held in the Bar on Wednesday the 2nd January. It´s purpose was to discuss the repairing of the Swimming Pool. Two members of the Committee did not attend, they were Mrs Shelagh Shaw, due to illness and Mrs Lin Foley in the U.k.
I explained that there had been seven Contractors who had visited the site, one had given us a quote for ad hoc repairs to the pool. I asked them to return to give a quote for a more comprehensive repair, however, to date they have not produced it.
The Committee were unanimous in expressing the view that the pool was a vital part of the Community.
The last company to examine the pool have submitted a quotation to completely rebuild the pool, including raising the floor at the deep end by 80 cm, which would leave the water depth at 2 metres 20 cm, a standard depth. It also included stripping off all the wall tiles, strengthening the walls, replacing all pipework, re-tiling completely, fitting an automatic level system, and replacing the 6 tonnes of special sand in the filters, replacing the stone slabs surrounding the pool fitting underwater lighting and grab rails round the deep end. Also included was re-tiling the children's pool to match.
This work would be backed by a 10 year guarantee. This would be at a cost of Euro 36,000.
The Engineer explained work would take one month to complete, but that they would have to start work before the end of January, as from the first of March they were committed to a long term contract building pools for a new sports urbanisation.
I explained this to the Committee, showing them copies of the quotation. It was also explained that even though 7 different companies had examined the pool, none of them were able to give a definitive answer as to why the pool leaked so badly. It was explained to me that as the pool was around 25 years old, seismic activity, and land movement may well have caused the walls to crack. Indeed there are cracks visible on the floor of the pool. this is why the company would only supply a quote to rebuild and strengthen the pool. Raising the floor level would reduce the amount of water needed to fill the pool by around 25 %.
I explained to the Committee that I would not express an opinion, as it was their responsibility to make any decisions, it was my responsibility to carry them out, I would only vote in the event of a tie.
The Committee were unanimous in their opinion that the pool should be re-built not repaired.
They were unanimous in their desire to accept the quotation of Euro 36,000 backed by a 10 year guarantee.
The question was then asked how we were going to finance this work. I explained that an Owner had approached me with an offer to buy a 50 metre plot plus a parcel of land at the bottom of the park for Euro 30,000.
A vote was taken whether to accept this offer in principle, the results of which were 5 in favour of accepting the offer, 1 abstention, and as explained earlier I did not vote.
After the vote had been taken and recorded, I told the Committee that I was not in favour of selling land, particularly in view of many accusations against Pepe for doing it, but that as they had voted to do so, and that every penny would be spent on the pool, I would investigate the legality of selling the land by consulting Mi Sol Lawyer Rosario. I hope to have a meeting with her this week.
The view was expressed that if all owners paid their Community charges on time, we could easily pay for the pool rebuilding.
Mrs Lynne Jimenez asked if, once the pool was rebuilt could it remain full and not be emptied.
This was agreed by all, in addition it was agreed to keep the pool maintained professionally so that it could be used all year round if Owners wanted to do so. It is well known that swimming pools should not be emptied, as this causes damage to the walls due to the decrease in pressure.
The next Committee meeting is on Tuesday 8th January in the Bar at 4 p.m
It has been suggested to me that when the pool was first built the Committee of the day ignored advice and emptied the pool, and that it has been problematic ever since. Whether this is true or not is open to debate.
I explained that there had been seven Contractors who had visited the site, one had given us a quote for ad hoc repairs to the pool. I asked them to return to give a quote for a more comprehensive repair, however, to date they have not produced it.
The Committee were unanimous in expressing the view that the pool was a vital part of the Community.
The last company to examine the pool have submitted a quotation to completely rebuild the pool, including raising the floor at the deep end by 80 cm, which would leave the water depth at 2 metres 20 cm, a standard depth. It also included stripping off all the wall tiles, strengthening the walls, replacing all pipework, re-tiling completely, fitting an automatic level system, and replacing the 6 tonnes of special sand in the filters, replacing the stone slabs surrounding the pool fitting underwater lighting and grab rails round the deep end. Also included was re-tiling the children's pool to match.
This work would be backed by a 10 year guarantee. This would be at a cost of Euro 36,000.
The Engineer explained work would take one month to complete, but that they would have to start work before the end of January, as from the first of March they were committed to a long term contract building pools for a new sports urbanisation.
I explained this to the Committee, showing them copies of the quotation. It was also explained that even though 7 different companies had examined the pool, none of them were able to give a definitive answer as to why the pool leaked so badly. It was explained to me that as the pool was around 25 years old, seismic activity, and land movement may well have caused the walls to crack. Indeed there are cracks visible on the floor of the pool. this is why the company would only supply a quote to rebuild and strengthen the pool. Raising the floor level would reduce the amount of water needed to fill the pool by around 25 %.
I explained to the Committee that I would not express an opinion, as it was their responsibility to make any decisions, it was my responsibility to carry them out, I would only vote in the event of a tie.
The Committee were unanimous in their opinion that the pool should be re-built not repaired.
They were unanimous in their desire to accept the quotation of Euro 36,000 backed by a 10 year guarantee.
The question was then asked how we were going to finance this work. I explained that an Owner had approached me with an offer to buy a 50 metre plot plus a parcel of land at the bottom of the park for Euro 30,000.
A vote was taken whether to accept this offer in principle, the results of which were 5 in favour of accepting the offer, 1 abstention, and as explained earlier I did not vote.
After the vote had been taken and recorded, I told the Committee that I was not in favour of selling land, particularly in view of many accusations against Pepe for doing it, but that as they had voted to do so, and that every penny would be spent on the pool, I would investigate the legality of selling the land by consulting Mi Sol Lawyer Rosario. I hope to have a meeting with her this week.
The view was expressed that if all owners paid their Community charges on time, we could easily pay for the pool rebuilding.
Mrs Lynne Jimenez asked if, once the pool was rebuilt could it remain full and not be emptied.
This was agreed by all, in addition it was agreed to keep the pool maintained professionally so that it could be used all year round if Owners wanted to do so. It is well known that swimming pools should not be emptied, as this causes damage to the walls due to the decrease in pressure.
The next Committee meeting is on Tuesday 8th January in the Bar at 4 p.m
It has been suggested to me that when the pool was first built the Committee of the day ignored advice and emptied the pool, and that it has been problematic ever since. Whether this is true or not is open to debate.
Bank Statement
Attached is the latest statement from Banco Popular. You will notice the amount of Euro 1235 . 63, this money was taken directly by the Courts to repay an owner who had appealed his judgement for debt to the Community. It includes Euro 250 for court costs.
I will be speaking to Mi Sol Lawyers this week and asking the following questions.
1. Why was this Owner allowed to claim this money back, when a substantial part of it was for water and electricity charges he had used, and the Community paid for ?
2. Why is it the Courts can take money from our bank account, without our knowledge, and within a few days of the judgement being given ?
3. Why are the Courts not taking money from the accounts of Owners judged to be in debt to the Community and not paying?
4. Why does it take so long for money paid into the Courts by owners, to be given to us ?
We have been waiting for over two months for Euro 1000 paid in by an Owner.
We are still waiting since MAY 2007 for Euro 698 . 76 paid into the Courts by an Owner. When enquiries have been made, the excuse given is that the Lady dealing with this in the Courts is on maternity leave !!

Below is an article from the Legal section of a local newspaper dealing with the subject of debts to the Community.

I will be speaking to Mi Sol Lawyers this week and asking the following questions.
1. Why was this Owner allowed to claim this money back, when a substantial part of it was for water and electricity charges he had used, and the Community paid for ?
2. Why is it the Courts can take money from our bank account, without our knowledge, and within a few days of the judgement being given ?
3. Why are the Courts not taking money from the accounts of Owners judged to be in debt to the Community and not paying?
4. Why does it take so long for money paid into the Courts by owners, to be given to us ?
We have been waiting for over two months for Euro 1000 paid in by an Owner.
We are still waiting since MAY 2007 for Euro 698 . 76 paid into the Courts by an Owner. When enquiries have been made, the excuse given is that the Lady dealing with this in the Courts is on maternity leave !!

Below is an article from the Legal section of a local newspaper dealing with the subject of debts to the Community.

Unfortunately, there has been a spate of burglaries over the Christmas period.
All the properties concerned were unoccupied at the time. Some Owners, including myself, have done our best to secure the properties again. However, due to a lack of information it has been difficult to contact some of the Owners to inform them of the incidents.
Any owners who leave their properties unattended would be well advised to leave contact details in the Office of someone to contact in the event of a break in. A key left with some one locally would also be very helpful.
Application has been made to the Courts to allow us permission to re- instate the security gates.
Unfortunately we do not know how long it will take to obtain.
All the properties concerned were unoccupied at the time. Some Owners, including myself, have done our best to secure the properties again. However, due to a lack of information it has been difficult to contact some of the Owners to inform them of the incidents.
Any owners who leave their properties unattended would be well advised to leave contact details in the Office of someone to contact in the event of a break in. A key left with some one locally would also be very helpful.
Application has been made to the Courts to allow us permission to re- instate the security gates.
Unfortunately we do not know how long it will take to obtain.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Wall Painting
Attached are some photos of some of the new paintings on the front wall of Mi Sol.
They are not finished yet, but it will give you some idea of what the final article will look like.
All the comments so far have been very favourable, and there is no doubt it is a great improvement from the graffiti of the local vandals.
Happy New Year
A Very Happy New Year to everyone, let us hope that this is the year when Mi Sol finally moves forward towards our aim of uniting the Community and creating a better place for us all to enjoy.
With this in mind, I urge all owners to pay their Community fees by the end of January. This is a legal requirement, Owners not paying by the 31st January 2008 are classed as debtors under the law. This prevents them from voting at General meetings, etc. Without this money, the Community cannot function, let alone make improvements.
This year it is particularly important Community fees are paid "on time", for reasons which will become clear in a later post.
Just to remind those Owners who wish to pay by monthly instalments, forms for this purpose are available in the Office, or from me directly by e.mail.
With this in mind, I urge all owners to pay their Community fees by the end of January. This is a legal requirement, Owners not paying by the 31st January 2008 are classed as debtors under the law. This prevents them from voting at General meetings, etc. Without this money, the Community cannot function, let alone make improvements.
This year it is particularly important Community fees are paid "on time", for reasons which will become clear in a later post.
Just to remind those Owners who wish to pay by monthly instalments, forms for this purpose are available in the Office, or from me directly by e.mail.
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