Saturday, 27 October 2007
Electrical Problems
Normally when the ground is dry these faults are not so apparent.
These faults are caused by bad workmanship and sub standard materials being used when Mi Sol was re-wired about 8 years ago.
The only recourse is to replace the faulty wiring with the correct type and size in an ongoing operation as funds allow.
This afternoon I assisted an Owner to install a temporary cable from the "Casita" to his connection box in order to by-pass faulty underground wiring.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Bank Statement
Here is the latest statement from Banco Popular. Also attached the Electric Bill for this month which will be paid today.
The Committee and I are very grateful to all those Owners who have paid their latest bills so promptly, but we are still a long way from the amount we need to get us through to the end of this year. The next water bill is due for payment in the next few days, reducing the balance as it stands back to very little.
You will notice a withdrawal of Euro 516 . 59 as mentioned in the last post, we could well have done without that unexpected expense at this time.
Owners in the U.K are very welcome to e-mail me for their Bills, which can be paid by Bank Transfer or English cheque if they do not have a Spanish bank account.
The e-mail address is :-
Tax Bills
Yesterday two tax Bills had to be paid the total amounting to Euro 516 . 59 see attached, receipted copies. As yesterday was the last day for payment before fines were levied, a cheque for that amount was drawn "Al Portador" ( Cash) which was used to pay the bills. Things had to be done this way, because a cheque has to clear, before it is credited to the bill, and this takes several days.
Hopefully in the future we can avoid this situation by paying these kind of bills in good time by normal cheque. I will be speaking to Alberto the Administrator to impress upon him that we do not want to wait until the last day before being informed such accounts need paying.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Committee Meeting
Present: N. Stacey, A. Impey, J. Hanrahan, P. Olive, L. Foley, L. Jeminez The
administrator Alberto and his assistant Melanie. '
Absent S. Shaw, P. Whitehead. J. Titterton (England)
An embargo has been placed against the Cambank account of Paco and his supporters to cover Social Security which should have been paid for the employment of Lucas and the Cleaner.
Neill has to speak to the solicitors to stop a court case on the 28th November in connection with plot 425 who has already paid.
We need approx 20,000.00 Euros to pay the electric and water bills throughout October, November and December. Money is being paid into the Banco Popular but we still need more members of the community to pay their dues.
Alberto was asked to phone Pepe for the keys to the lockup, office, electric boxes and transformer room. At the end of the meeting Alberto went to see Pepe and recovered the keys.
New laws concerning the swimming pool were asked for and emailed to Neill. These will have to be studied.
Alberto was asked once again if Antonio could publish the court papers on the web site, this was agreed to, as it was in the past, but will it happen?
The 1000 Euros paid by the Owner of plot 70 is in Banco Banestro. We are waiting for a form to be able to go and claim it.
We have had the copy of the Suma bill paid by Pepe just after the AGM. These amounts of Euro 747 . 08 relate to the office, bar and toilet blocks, and will be proportioned and added to the relevant accounts
We were informed that plot number 408 is for sale, and that this property has an embargo on it. Rosario advised Neill that the Embargo of the property was still in place pending the payment of Court and Lawyers fees.
A meeting was asked for by Neill, in which he, Paco and the 2 administrators would have met and discussed things, as Paco was unwilling for the meeting to take place without a lawyer this did not come to fruition. Neill once again asked Paco to place some of the money in CAM into the Banco Popular in order to help with the Electric and water bills. As yet no money has been transferred.
Rosario has just received a decision on a court case 10yrs old relating to the Gates. The denuncia was made by two people, who are no longer Owners on Mi Sol and the courts decided that the gates have to come down. We are waiting for Rosario to tell us exactly what the position is now.
Pepe had two electric meters, one of them without charge for his Office, when he was President, but will in future pay for both. In the absence of Peter Whitehead, Annie Impey volunteered to patrol Mi-Sol and mark down where most of the rubbish is. We can then get a skip and hopefully a party of volunteers to clear the site.
Several people on Mi-Sol Park are occupying community land and claiming it as their own. It was voted unanimously to inform these people that if they wish to continue to appropriate this land then a charge of 150 Euros per sq metres will be made, a receipt will be given and can be attached to their Escritura.
It was suggested that Alberto send a letter to Pepe, thanking him for all his past good work, and a formal thank you from the new President and Committee. It is
understood that some gesture was made to Pepe but unfortunately this was not made known to the Community, and very few people attended.
Finally Melanie asked if the meetings could be held at 4.00 p.m. instead of 5.00p.m. as this would suit her better. This was agreed to unanimously.
Next unofficial meeting 6th November 4.00 pm.
Next official meeting 20th November 4.00 p.m.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Since then I have held talks with Paco which again resulted in little, if any progress. On the advice of Apyme our Administrators, I formally invited Paco in writing to arrange a meeting between himself and their Administrator, myself and our Administrator. I also informed him that no Lawyers should be present. Having consulted Mi Sol Lawyer previously, she advised me that under the protocol of these things, Lawyers should not be present at this meeting. She explained that at this meeting the Administrators should exchange documents and financial accounts, and after studying them put forward proposals for an agreement, which would then have to be agreed between Paco and myself. Because of the complexity of the situation this could involve several meetings of this nature. Only after such an agreement was reached, should Lawyers be involved in drawing up a contract of agreement to be signed by both parties.
Paco did arrange a meeting, and our Administrators did telephone him to ask, due to a prior engagement whether the meeting could be brought forward by an hour. During this telephone call in my presence, he explicitly told Paco that if their Lawyer was going to be present, I would not attend the meeting.
The evening before the meeting was due to be held, Paco telephoned me to say the time could be brought forward by half an hour from the original arrangement. I asked him if their Lawyer was going to be present, and he answered yes, I informed Paco that because of this I would not be attending the meeting.
Alberto our Administrator, reported to our Committee that he did attend the meeting himself, and advised us of his findings. It would seem that Paco and his supporters owe a large sum of money to their Administrator. Their requirement for any settlement between the two sides would include the Community paying this money on their behalf.
At this moment in time the Committee and, I refuse to accept this proposal for the following reasons :-
In the first instance we do not have the money to pay it, even if we wanted to.
The Community did not employ their Administrator, they took it upon themselves to do that.
Except for money gained through the Courts for 2004, we have received no money from them to help with the running of Mi Sol. We have received no money from them for the last three years for the Water and Electricity they have used. We have received no Community charges from them for the last three years.
They have made no financial contribution towards the running of Mi Sol in the last three years, except for a Gardener and Cleaner, which again they took upon themselves to employ, and this was for a relatively short period.
An account was set up by them at the Cambank, which they said was to accept payments for their Water and Electricity accounts. Promises were made on several occasions that when a new President was elected, they would hand this money over to the Community, this now appears conditional on an agreement being reached between the two sides.
At the recent meeting of the two Committees the question was asked, where was all the money from their supporters for Community charges, Water and Electricity charges for the years 2005 ,2006 and 2007 , given that they only had around Euro 9000 in the Cambank account?
The answer was given that it had gone on Lawyers fees and the employment of a Gardener and Cleaner.
Whilst it is vital for the well being of Mi Sol that an agreement is reached, this should not be at "any price" the Committee and I will not be pressured into accepting something which is clearly unfair to the very large majority of Owners.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Urgent Appeal
I urge all Owners to pay these bills as quickly as possible, we are in desperate need of funds to pay the Electricity account for this month, and of course Water and Electricity accounts for November and December. This is the only money we will receive before January when the annual Community charge becomes due.
Any Owners in England who want their bills in order to send cheques etc, can send an e-mail to me, and I will send them by return. The address is :-
When making any payments, please make sure your name and plot number are on the cheque or transfer form, otherwise we will not know who has made the payment.
Any Owners wishing to help the Community by paying extra amounts into Banco Popular, can of course do so at any time. These extra payments will be credited against your next bill.
I would like to thank those Owners who have already contributed advance payments, these are much appreciated. This is not how I would have wished the new Presidency to start, but it is the reality and we have to deal with it.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Bad Weather
Mi Sol has experienced some stormy weather recently, in the latest, flooding was quite extensive, leaving several of the roads with deep ruts, see attached photos. Although flood levels reached higher than shown, the photos were taken during and after the storm. Photographs very kindly taken by Emilia.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
We started by asking Paco what was it they wanted in order to reach a settlement of the dispute.
The reply seemed to consist of a series of questions regarding what had happened to various sums of money. It was pointed out that the only people that could answer these questions were the Administrators, they were the ones with the accounts and information.
I told the meeting that Paco had promised to vote at the AGM if arrangements could be made for both sides to vote at a combined meeting. This had been arranged, but at the last minute Paco did not vote on instructions from their Lawyer. This was a golden opportunity to reunite the Park, and we would now have had a Committee representing all sections of the Community under a new President. By not voting, such a Committee could not be legally formed without calling and Extraordinary general meeting.
It was also pointed out Paco had promised that once a new President had been elected, they would join the rest of the Community, handing over their Bank account, and documents. The reply was given that this would be done after everything had been sorted out. It was also noted that they have constantly said "ALL" they ever wanted was a new President, now they have one why not reunite the Community and go forward from here, and let the Lawyers and Administrators sort out the events of the past. After all they are the ones with the information, not us.
It was pointed out that after four years of Court cases, large sums of money wasted, which should have been used for the benefit of the Community and causing a great deal of damage to the Community, they had still not achieved their aim of having a new President. The Community had done this itself, without financial cost, by a democratic election.
Paco was presented with a copy of the Banco Popular statement, showing our dire financial position, knowing there was around Euro 9000 in their Cambank account, he was asked if they were going to contribute that money, which after all was supposed to be for paying water and electricity charges used by his supporters. He said yes, but he would have to consult his Committee first. One of their Committee suggested to Paco that they should now pay their water and electricity bills directly to Banco Popular. We assured them that bills could be provided for this purpose. To date we have not received any money from them.
They said we had received Euro 45,000 from their supporters through the Courts, we agreed, but explained this was for the year 2004 only, I have double checked this personally with Mi Sol Lawyer Rosario, we replied given they only have Euroo 9000 in the Cambank, where is all the money they should have from their supporters for 2005, 2006, and 2007
The meeting lasted for about an hour and a half. This post details the salient points as I remember them, Hazel did attend to take notes, but given the nature of the meeting, it was impossible for her to write an accurate account.
After consultation with our Administrator, I gave Paco a written letter asking him to arrange a meeting between him, the two Administrators and myself, a time and venue to be arranged by them. Paco has replied and the meeting should take place on Tuesday morning 16th October 2007 at the Offices of their administrator to inspect the financial records of both sides.
The financial situation continues to be a big worry, we are still a long way from having enough money in the Bank to pay the Electricity bill for this month, which is due to be paid in the next couple of weeks. The meters have been read, the bills will be available in the next few days, and I ask all Owners to pay them as soon as possible. In the meantime Owners may pay money into Banco Popular, which will be set against their bills. Some Owners have already done this for which we are very grateful. Please make sure when paying money into the bank to get your name and plot numbers printed on the receipt.
I have spoken to the Manager of Banco Popular about the possibility of Owners paying their fees by monthly direct debit. He said this was a possibility through the administrators APYME. I will be speaking with Alberto as soon as possible. Several Owners have expressed interest in the idea, and it would give Mi Sol a more stable financial situation.
Because of the serious nature of the finances, I have cancelled all payments from the Bank except the Water and Electricity charges. The telephone service has been cancelled in the Office until we are in a position to have it re-connected. Any Owner wishing to contact Mi Sol should contact the Administrators APYME telephone number 0034 965 713 342 or fax 0034 965 713 403. or e-mail me directly to
It is also with much regret that I had to inform Steve the Gardener we can no longer employ him, we simply have no money to pay him. When funds allow, he will be paid the money we owe to him as promised when he was first employed by Pepe.
No further cheques signed by Pepe will be paid by the Bank. Less than an hour after this arrangement had been legally applied a cheque for Euro 250 was presented for payment. This payment was refused, the cheque in question was for the Engineer who had overseen the contract to change the name on Mi Sol Electricity account from Pepe to me. Pepe did tell the Engineer to cash the cheque the next day, clearly he did not do this. The Engineer visited Mi Sol and I spoke with him directly, explaining that there was no money to pay him. I assured him that when funds were available a new cheque would be issued.
Any cheques written on behalf of Mi Sol, must now have my signature, plus one of the two following Mrs J. Hanrahan or Mrs L. Jimenez. They will be signed at the Committee meetings, with a written explanation of what they are for.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Wanted to rent
adults and daughter.
Contact: e-mail: the Tel: (0044) (0)1869 323 461 -
after 6pm.
OR, our e-mail:
Placed on behalf of an Owner, please reply directly to him.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Committee Meeting Wed 3rd October
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Committee Meeting
Friday, 5 October 2007
I explained that for a few days I wished to suspend any payments from the account, to give time to sort out new signatories for cheques etc. He advised , that although he recognised that I had been elected the New President, he could not comply with my request until I was able to produce the "Acts Book". Pepe was obliged to hand this to the Administrator at the AGM on Saturday, unfortunately he did not do this. I was worried that cheques were going to be presented for payment, signed by Pepe, that we did not know about. The Manager agreed to inform me of any such cheques being presented. My fears were well founded as soon after I had a phone call from the Bank advising me that a cheque for Euro 15oo had been presented, for payment to a Procurator, a Legal representative we need to use in Court cases. It later transpired that this payment was for a bill that should have been paid two years ago.
Later that day another cheque was presented for Euro 700, again relating to some legal fees.
Had I been able to, I would have deferred these payments for a short period until our financial situation had been stabilised. The reason for this you will discover further on in this post.
Today I received an urgent call from Alberto, the Administrator, today was the last day for payment of the Suma account sent to Mi Sol. Failure to pay today would result in a fine of 20% of the total. As I was not on Mi Sol at the time Alberto had written the cheque, Pepe had signed it and Alberto would deliver it to, the Bank. He asked me to visit the Bank before close of business today to countersign the cheque, which I duly did. This cheque was for Euro 724.
This week Euro 2924 has been paid out of Mi Sol Bank Account, and I was unable to prevent it.
Our Lawyer Rosario informed me she has now sent a letter to the Bank confirming the new Administration of Mi Sol, hopefully I will be able to prevent any further drain on our resources.
On Monday morning the Banco Popular account showed a balance in the Current account of Euro 6179 . 82 the Investment account showed a balance of Euro 3979.82, this is because Pepe withdrew Euro 3000 from the original Euro 7000 on the 10th of September to rectify an overdrawn amount in the Current account of Euro 2196 . 34 on the 7th of September.
This means that after the cheques presented this week are paid, we should be left with Euro 3255 . 82 in the Current account and Euro 3979 . 82 in the investment account giving a grand total of Euro 7235 . 64 available to the Community. This is despite a very large number of Owners paying their bills prior to the meeting of last Saturday.
To put things in perspective, last month we paid out the following amounts Electricity Euro 4782 . 88 Water Euro 6913 . 89 Mapfre Insurance Euro 301 . 60 Telephone Euro 115 . 50 giving a total of Euro 12113 . 87. These are bills we must pay every month, and do not include the Euro 1000 per month charges for services provided by APYME the Administrators. Neither does it include the wages and Social Security payments for the Gardener.
So as things stand we are Euro 5878 . 23 short of being able to pay this months bills.
This is an approximate figure as obviously these bills do vary, and maybe a little less this month with the swimming pool now closed, and not so many holidaymakers on the Park. Nonetheless it is a very serious situation the new Administration has inherited, and a very long way from the Euro 40,000 that was in the Current Account only a few short weeks ago !!!
A Committee meeting was held on the Bar terrace Sunday morning 30/09/2007. This was mainly just to arrange for the Office to be manned, and delegate various responsibilities to Committee members. I will post a copy of the minutes here after they have been approved by the Committee.
However, regarding Office opening hours, I am pleased to advise you of the details.
11am to 1pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. On Thursday the Office will be open from 5 pm to 7 pm in the evening. We hope these hours will better suit the needs of the Community.
Monday, 1 October 2007
New Committee
Mrs Pat Olive Plot 464 Vice president
Mrs Jackie Hanrahan Plot 62 Secretary
Mrs Jean Titterton Plot 486 Treasurer
Mrs Shelagh Shaw Plot 413 Vocal
Mr Peter Whitehead Plot 360 Vocal
Mrs Anne Impey Plot 208 Vocal
Mrs Lynne Jimenez Plot 18 Vocal
Mrs Linda Foley Plot 282 Vocal
I am very pleased to welcome each and everyone of them to the Committee, and thank them for offering their individual skills to help the Community through the undoubtedly difficult period ahead.
Special thanks are due to Mrs Hazel Holt for her very kind offer to take the minutes of the meetings in English. This will be much appreciated, as for some time we have not had anyone willing to keep a written record.
Since the AGM on Saturday, several other Owners have come forward to offer help to the Community and this is much appreciated.
Mrs Dorothy Griffiths, Mrs Annie Sheehan and Mr Danny Williams have for a long time given freely of their time to man the Office and are now taking a well earned rest.
I understand Mr Bill Clynes will continue as Mi Sol Postman, a vital job, which he seems able to do with a smile whatever the weather. Mr Danny Williams has very kindly offered to step in when Bill is not available.
It has been agreed that Committee meetings will be held on the Bar Terrace, twice per month.
This month the meetings will be held on Wednesday 3rd at 5 pm, and on Tuesday 16th also at 5 pm when the Administrator will attend.
I would like to encourage Owners to attend the meetings, time will be set aside for questions at the end. Questions in writing would be appreciated to make it easier for Hazel in taking notes.