Saturday, 10 November 2007


Recently it was discovered that Pepe had taken out an insurance policy for the Park on the 20th June 2007.

The premium was in the region of Euro 800, but for some reason Pepe did not pay the full premium, despite the fact that there was around Euro 40,000 in the Bank account at that time. I have not had an opportunity to ask Pepe why he did not pay all the premium at the time of taking out the policy. It would seem we still owe around Euro 400.

After studying the policy, it would seem that at best we are very under covered, and at worst the policy is a waste of money, as it appears not to be a policy to cover the Park against 3rd party claims.

Committee member Mrs Lyn Jimemez has agreed to contact the Agents in Montesinos, and find out exactly what the policy does cover, and what we need to do to in order to make it suitable for the needs of the Community. I will post the results of her investigation here in due course.

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