Sunday, 27 July 2008

Banking Blues

Last Monday 21st July, I received a certificate from Mi Sol Lawyers to claim back some overpaid money from the Courts,this amounted to the princely sum of Euro 16 . 13. Being particularly busy last week I went to the Banesto bank on Friday morning, 25th July to arrange the transfer of this money to Banco Popular. This is an art form in itself, requiring copies of passport, copies of the Actas Book, N.I.E.number, etc, etc.

I could see all was not going to plan, nothing new there, when the Manager was called, and he informed me that the money could not be transferred as the form was out of date. The form is valid for three months and expired on the 21st July. A new form now has to be applied for.
This would beg the question, where was the form for the previous three months ?
It is doubtful the correct answer to this question will ever be discovered.

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