Sunday, 10 August 2008

Bad Press

A few days ago an article appeared in a local English newspaper which said the local Green Party had complained to the Mayor regarding large amounts of rubbish and a plague of Rats on Parque Naciones, and for some reason the paper also included Mi Sol in this.

An irate Owner telephoned the newspaper and complained bitterly about the misrepresentation,
whether the newspaper in question prints an apology in the next edition remains to be seen.

Some points arise from this.
1. The Owners on Parque Naciones will not be very pleased either, as the land in question belongs to private developers, not the Urbanization itself.

2. The writer of the article had clearly not visited Mi Sol in the recent past, otherwise they would have seen there are not large amounts of rubbish laying about. We do get an isolated report now and then of sightings of Rats, but by no means a plague of them.

3. A local Spanish newspaper also printed an article on this subject, but correctly reported that the land in question was NEXT to Mi Sol.

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