Friday, 12 December 2008


On Tuesday afternoon of this week an informal meeting was held in Mi Sol Bar, the purpose was to give information to Owners about the previous Committee meeting held in the Office, and give an opportunity for Owners to ask questions, and voice their concerns to the new President and the Committee.

The meeting was well attended, the President and several Committee members were also there.

The questions and comments were varied, although much of it covered "old ground"
Some of the topics discussed were letters being sent to tenants in the flats informing them that the Community was not receiving any payments from their Landlady for water and electricity used, even though they were paying her.

Repairs to the street lights, although I had previously arranged for this work to be done, it had not so far been carried out. The contractor has been asked again to carry out this work as soon as possible.

A list of debtors to be posted in a prominent position, renewed every three months, keeping in mind the requirements of the Data Protection Laws.

Questions of security, and in particular reference to the gates at the entrance to Mi Sol. It was explained that they could not be put back into operation legally at the moment. One Owner expressed the view they were a waste of time.

Discussion about the acquisition of the N.I.E numbers required in order that Owners could register their Escrituras when these had been granted from the Mi Sol Blanket Escritura.
It was explained that at present we could not register these Escrituras with the Land Registry, and therefore not obtain a Catastral number so Suma could be paid. Until this position changes, any Escrituras passed from Mi Sol to Owners was not of any real importance.

The financial position was explained, and described as "dire" by the President, giving an explanation of amounts that need to be paid.

Being an informal gathering, no minutes were taken.

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