Attached is a letter sent to an Owner in England, by Paco pretending to be president of Mi Sol. Also enclosed is a copy of the registered envelope, on which you will see the postage cost of 3.99 Euro,
about 2 Pounds seventy two pence in Sterling. The owner in question is considering asking the Police in England to investigate this, on the grounds that this letter is an attempt to fraudulently claim money.
On receiving a copy of this letter, Shelagh Shaw, Emilia and myself went to see Paco and his accomplice Pedro. Our initial enquiry was to determine if Paco had authorised the sending of the letter, and if it was his signature at the bottom. Paco confirmed that in both cases it was true.
When asked why they had sent this letter, he replied that they had been made to pay twice, so they were getting their own back!!
It was pointed out to him that the letter was not legal because it was in English, not Spanish. He replied they would have it translated.
We asked why they had wasted so much money on registering a useless document. There was no coherent reply.
We asked who was paying the cost of sending these letters. Again no coherent reply was forthcoming.
They maintained that their activities would continue, until Pepe was no longer President.
It was pointed out to them, yet again, that their complaint was against Pepe, not the Community, but their actions were affecting the Community in an adverse way, and have done so for the last four years. Again it was explained to them that most Owners now felt that after ten years in office, it was time for a new President, therefore why did they not pay their fees to the Banco Popular account, and turn up to vote for what they want at the next AGM.
This would be the quickest and most democratic way to achieve their stated aim of wanting a new President. For some reason, best known to themselves, they seem totally unwilling or incapable of grasping this simple concept.
Pedro explained he had paid his water and electricity charges to Mi Sol, but was withholding the Community charges, unless forced to pay them by the Courts. He was advised that the Court cases for debt are continuing, so he might as well just pay his fees, and use his democratic right to vote as explained above.
Paco demanded, again, that all debts incurred by him and his supporters be written off by the Community. I explained that in due course this would have to be a matter for all Owners to decide, not just one person. Given the enormous financial and social damage their actions have caused to the Community over the last four years, and that still to this date they have not produced a single document detailing their financial activities, it is difficult to see how the Community would accept their demand.
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