Present: N. Stacey, S. Shaw, P. Whitehead, L. Jiminez, C. McCarthy, L. Foley, J. Braim, APYME
Absent: P. Olive, J. Titterton, T. Connelly
Minutes of the last meeting were passed around for reading.
Bank Statement: 12,389.02 Euros.
The swimming pool has experienced some teething problems; apparently a new valve was required and has now been fitted. Unfortunately there seems to have been a breakdown in communication between contractors and maintenance resulting in no maintenance being carried out since the opening. It will therefore be necessary to close the pool temporarily for cleaning. A notice will be posted on the gate of the pool to this effect.
Neill has received a letter from the President of Parque Naciones complaining about the foliage growing through Mi-Sol boundary onto their footpath, after inspection it would appear that the complaint is well founded and a letter will be written in reply from APYME stating that the matter will be dealt with.
Neill stated that due to circumstances beyond his control he will be unable to stand as President at the AGM in 3 weeks time. The response from APYME was that it will be a pity if no name is put forward from the existing committee as it will open the door for the other side to step in and quite likely progress with the debtors and court cases will be disregarded. C McCarthy proposed standing and P Whitehead offered to be put forward as Vice President. Before any decision is reached, APYME will study the statutes and the libro de actas (1981) to ascertain if Neill can legally step down after 1 year. There will then be a private meeting between committee members to agree a decision.
D Olive remarked that there is still a Vice President and should take over should the President not be available, he was informed by APYME that the law states that if this is the case, the oldest serving member on the committee stands in.
S Shaw .. although letters have gone to UK with respect to the AGM residents have not received the paperwork. APYME to make copies and arrange distribution.
J Braim has been cleaning the swimming pool toilet receiving payment from B Morans, it was not agreed this payment should come out of Mi Sol funds. J Braim responded that she would not continue to clean these toilets.
Meeting closed 10.41