Attached is a copy of a document which proves that to be untrue. It is in fact a form of appeal to the Courts in Madrid against the judgement we received in our favour in May of this year.
Whilst there was no right of appeal against that judgement, this is a Recurso, and from what I am given to understand from our Lawyers it is an appeal against the wording of the judgement, not against the judgement itself. This is going to cost us a minimum of Euro 2000 (two thousand) to defend, and of course presumably a similar amount will have to be paid by the other faction. However we all know that money will not be paid by them personally, but from funds they are holding which rightfully belong to the Community. Therefore the Community can look forward to losing at least another Euro 4000 as a direct result of the other faction taking this action. It is quite obvious they have no regard or concern for the welfare of the Community, only for the self interest of the 4 or 5 of them that are still carrying on.
Bear in mind this action has been taken AFTER several discussions have been held and a way of resolving the dispute was AGREED. The date of presenting this document to court is clearly shown as 11th November 2008.
This is AFTER we had agreed to credit proper Cambank receipts to the accounts of those who have paid the other side.
This is AFTER we had agreed to consider other receipts of these same people, provided the Administrator acting on their behalf demonstrated by proper accounts where that money had gone. So far he has only managed to produce accounts for 2003.
This is AFTER we were told the court case was only to stop Pepe ever becoming President again, and that they were paying for it out of their own pockets.
This is AFTER we were told they had sacked their Lawyer, clearly not true as his name is on the document.
We all know that the only winners in Court cases are the Lawyers, which is why I have preferred to spend my time as President reaching agreements for people to pay in instalments rather than resort to legal action.
At the end of the day the other factions disagreement is with Pepe, not the Community which has done nothing wrong. So why should the Community have to pay for what is essentially a private war ?
It seems a member of the other side paid a very large amount of money into their Caja Rural account at the end of October, later he approached a candidate for President offering his support, and indicating his desire to become Vice President. If this was a guenuine approach, why did he not pay his money into Banco popular where it rightfully belongs ?
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