After paying out over 1000 Euro this week already in debts and fines incurred by the last Administration, I had the dubious pleasure of visiting the Post office yesterday to collect another two demands from the Social Security. These amount to Euro 3978 . 31, to be paid within 15 days.
Copies of the demands are attached.
A cursory inspection of the bank account since the A.G.M. last September reveals that we have had to pay out around Euro 30,000 (Thirty Thousand) in debts , fines and sanctions all of which relate to things Pepe did not pay. They include such items as Social Security, Tax, fines, sanctions, insurance and payments owed to the Administrators, and Lawyers. The really frustrating thing about all this is that the money was available at the time these bills were due, but Pepe would not pay them. We have had to pay a considerable premium for these bill not being paid on time.
There are still more to come yet, so more sleepless nights for me appear to be due.!!
Several Owners have expressed the view that it would take at least a year to sort out Mi Sol's financial problems, these predictions appear to be well founded.
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