Thursday, 22 March 2007

Committee Meeting

Yesterday Wednesday 21st March a meeting of the Committee was held in the Office.
I did not attend, therefore the notes here reflect the information given to me by a Committee member who was there. Eleven people attended including Pepe, the Administrator, and assistant to the Administrator who translated for the meeting.

Pepe was asked if he would stand down as President of Mi Sol now that the Court case of earlier this month had been heard. This is in keeping with his verbal assurance that he would, and also in line with the agreement made at the Committee meeting of August 2006 and by a vote in favour of that by a majority of Owners attending the AGM held on the Bar Terrace in September 2006.

One of those attending said that this was not true, that Pepe never agreed to stand down after this court hearing. The Administrator replied that in fact everything said was true and accurate. Pepe had agreed to abide by the Owners decision made at the AGM in September 2006

One member said that if Pepe complied with this, it would be "giving in " to the "Other side"
The reply to this was, that whilst it is true the main demand from the other side would be met, Pepe does a great deal of work for Mi Sol. It was pointed out that he had been in Office now for almost 10 years. It was felt that as he refuses to delegate any responsibility to anyone else, the task of being President is becoming too much for one person of his age to cope with fully. Often he has to be reminded of things that should be done.
It was not giving in to the "other side", merely a natural progression reflecting the views of the majority of owners at the AGM in September 2006.

It was pointed out that some of the members on the Committee had many times complained that the wishes of the Community as voted at Annual General Meetings was often ignored, but now when it suited them, were quite happy to support Pepe in doing the very same thing.

Pepe said that he was not going to stand down as President and indeed was going to stand for election again at the AGM in September 2007.

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