The Annual General Meeting for this year was held on the Bar terrace yesterday morning.
The meeting was very well attended, including Paco and his supporters.
At first two meetings were being held at the same time, I spoke to Mi Sol Lawyers Rosario and Fuensanta, asking them to try and arrange with the Lawyer for Paco´s side, a single meeting where everyone could vote. They agreed to do this, and reported back a successful result. Alberto the Administrator explained that the two meetings would continue through points 1 and 2 of the Agenda, this being Acceptance of last years minutes, and discussion of the financial report.
Point 3 would be the election of a new President. At this point we were informed that Paco and his supporters would not vote, it was explained that they would support me but not Pepe. This was apparently on the advice of their Lawyer.
The election for a new President was announced, there being two candidates, namely Pepe and myself. We were both given the opportunity to address the meeting.
Voting then took place and the result was as follows :-
Pepe 13 Neill 90
There then followed elections for the new Committee, it was explained that under Spanish Law, I had been obliged to supply in writing, before the meeting, up to five people I wished to serve on the Committee. As I had been elected President, these five people were automatically elected with me, without need for a vote.
A discussion then took place regarding the election of Paco and some of his supporters to the Committee, some calling for Paco to become Vice President. I explained to the meeting that in order to reach an agreement, it would be much easier if both sides were represented on the Committee. After asking Paco if he and some of his supporters would join the Committee, their Lawyer explained, that it was not possible at this time for that to happen. I will not go into the technicalities here, until I have had an opportunity to discuss with our Lawyers how we can move forward.
New members to the Committee were elected by the Owners present on a show of hands. Four Owners presented themselves and were duly elected. A maximum of five is permitted.
One of the newly elected members expressed her wish to be considered for the post of Vice President, an election was held between her and my preferred choice for the position. The new member was not successful in her challenge.
A full list of the Committee members will be given in a separate post.
I explained to the meeting that once an agreement had been made between the two sides to unite the Community an EGM would be called to explain the agreement and seek approval to implement it. A discussion took place regarding the time scale of such a meeting, I was not able to give any date for an EGM, and said it was not going to be easy to reach such an agreement between the two sides, but that every effort must be made to do so.
The Owners present were asked to approve a resolution to change the Presidents´ term of office from three years to one year. This was accepted.
A proposal was also made to charge Owners dumping rubbish on Mi sol land for it´s removal, this included abandoned vehicles. This was accepted.
At this point the meeting was closed.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for me, and hope to be worthy of their trust.
I would also like to thank everyone who attended the meeting from BOTH sides for showing restraint and calmness in a situation that had obvious potential to be a very difficult time. I believe this shows a desire by EVERYONE to reach agreement, and end this very damaging dispute once and for all.
When I have a copy of the Official Minutes they will be posted here.