The meeting opened with a discussion, about the conditions that must be fulfilled for an Owner to be able to exercise their right to vote at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on the 29th of this month. We as the Committee were always of the opinion that as long as there were no debts from 2006 an Owner could vote. However it now transpires, after much questioning, that in fact the Owner must not only have no debt from previous years, but also must have paid their Community charges for this year (2007) also., before 28 th September, and provide their receipt of the payment from Banco Popular at the meeting. Water and Electricity charges owing for this year are not considered debt.
There are many Owners, who have not yet paid their Community charges so far this year, preferring to wait until a new Administration is elected. If they wish to exercise their right to vote at this years Annual General meeting, they MUST pay their Community fees into the Banco Popular account before the 28th of September.
Many of you may not know, but the Town Hall has instigated a programme of allowing young people to paint various Public buildings with artistic designs. Two of these sites are the underpass bridges close to Mi Sol. These paintings may not to be to everyone´s taste, but it cannot be denied that a lot of talent goes into producing them. This appears to be a very clever piece of thinking on the part of the Town Hall. As we are all well aware, graffiti is a serious problem in Torrevieja, and those who are caught carrying out this form of vandalism are dealt with severely by the Authorities, in some cases, leading to imprisonment for the offenders.
In what appears to be a "if you can´t beat them, join them" strategy, by allowing these walls to be painted, it seems the average graffiti vandal does not deface these places.
Pepe proposed that we ask the Town Hall to consider the front wall of Mi Sol Park to be painted by these artists. I believe he already has had some discussion with Officials on this subject.
Some planning has to go into this, as the Town Hall provide the paint and other materials, but need to include these costs as part of their overall annual budget strategy. The Committee unanimously agreed to this proposal by Pepe, and an immediate application will be made to the Town hall. The front wall of Mi Sol is covered in unsightly graffiti, it would be much nicer to have a"proper" set of paintings there for all to admire, especially as it would be at no cost to Mi Sol. For those that have not seen the existing works I will take some photos and post them here in due course.
There was some discussion regarding water charges for the swimming pool, and other amounts outstanding by the Bar, Mr Moran not being happy about being charged 200 Euro per week towards the cost of water being lost from the pool. The meeting agreed to leave these matters to the Administrators, who indicated they would go and see Mr Moran to resolve the problem.
Mr Moran had spoken to me during the week regarding the payment of half the cost of laying new tiles in the Bar area. This matter was raised at the meeting, where I expressed my dis-satisfaction that this agreement had been reached without the Committee being consulted.
It was pointed out that Mr Moran had been assured that Mi Sol would pay half the cost of this tiling, but that he had employed non registered people, and as a consequence did not receive a proper receipt for payment of this work. Without such a receipt Mi Sol could not make any payment, as this money would have to be accounted for in the book of accounts for the Community.
Pepe asked me if I was happy regarding the 7000 Euro withdrawn from the Bank account, I explained to the Committee that I had been to the Bank with Pepe, and given an account number, but that I would be returning to the Bank next week to collect a copy of the paperwork from the Manager, who has been away on holiday.
It was pointed out to Pepe that the Committee were very angry concerning the poor workmanship in the new Shower block, especially as we had not authorised it or the spending of Euro 14,500 Pepe was shown several photographs, and asked to get Juan Muñez to rectify all the mistakes, as soon as practicable, due to the dangerous condition of the Block. It was also pointed out that the facilities provided as a section for use by people with disabilities was a joke. Only a low level washbasin and one handrail being provided in a room with totally unsuitable access.
Questions were asked about the format of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, who was actually going to conduct the meeting. Could an independent person be brought in to do this ?
The answer to that question seemed to be no. Given the likelihood of some volatility at the meeting by various factions, it was suggested security guards should be employed to keep order. This idea seemed generally accepted by the meeting.
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