Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Bank Statement

Here is the latest statement from Banco Popular, you will notice a payment to Liberty Seguros of Euro 365 . 73. Investigations revealed that this was for the renewal of insurance for the gardeners car.

The Committee had previously agreed that it would be uneconomical to repair the car to a roadworthy standard, therefore at this moment in time there seems little point in paying out such a large sum to insure it.

The premium has increased by Euro 13 . 44 without warning, neither did we receive notification
the payment was due. I was advised by our Administrators APYME, that in these circumstances we had 10 days to inform the Bank that we wished the payment to be rescinded.

Attached is the letter I have sent to the Manager of Banco Popular requesting the cancellation of the payment and the return of the funds to our account

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