Friday, 31 October 2008

EGM Proxy form

Neill has made it his intention to resign as President of Mi-Sol and has called for an EGM for Saturday 29th November. Many owners came out for the AGM in September and will probably feel agrieved at his decision to call an EGM so soon but in his favour he is inundated with work and his priority must be his family and their well being. I'm sure you will agree with me that his efforts last year have been commendable, we have an excellent pool facility available all year round and thanks to this blog more people have been informed of the comings and goings of Mi-Sol. It was a pity that he inherited debts which resulted in the bank balance fluctuating.
The situation isn't very much better now.
I am Mo Taunton and I have been encouraged to put myself up for President at the forth coming EGM. I have attached a short resume to inform you a little of my experience and also a proxy form if you feel you wish to support me which can be emailed to Neill in the usual way.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

News Letter No 10

Bank Statement

The latest bank statement shows two debits on 22/10 and 24/10 relating to the courts. The Administrator has been informed and will be contacting the lawyer for an explanation.

These transactions have left the balance very low, the electric and water will be debited and so it is imperative that the latest bills be paid promptly.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Many of you will be aware of the recent upheaval regarding providers of English television programmes on the Costa Blanca, and in particular the instant demise of one of the major companies. I do not wish to go into the "whys and wherefores" here, suffice to say that this meant I was instantly out of work without warning, losing my business which had taken almost ten years to build.
Fortunately I was soon contracted by another major provider to help them cope with the sudden demand from many thousands of people wishing to receive their favourite television programmes again. However this means that my colleagues and I are working extended hours 7 days a week to cope with the demand. This is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

Because of this situation I simply do not have the time needed to carry out my responsibilities as President. It is not in the best interests of the Community for me to carry on, therefore I have reluctantly decided to call an Extra Ordinary General Meeting to elect a new President. A copy of the letter asking the Administrators to make the required arrangements is attached. I had wanted to stand down at the recent AGM in September, but due to a decision made at the General meeting in 1981 and entered in Mi Sol Estatutes, was not legally able to do so, this despite a resolution passed at the AGM in September 2007 that the President should be elected for a term of one year.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Erroneous figures on balance sheet

Balance sheets passed around at the AGM caused a stir when it was noticed that the figures in English differed from those in Spanish. APYME was informed on the following Monday and by Tuesday an explanation was forth coming; apparently the fault lay with an inexperienced computer user who had entered the incorrect figures on the Spanish sheet. The English version is the correct one and amended sheets were delivered to the committee meeting of the 14 October.

Amended balance sheet (Spanish) and minutes of last committee meeting

Tuesday, 7 October 2008