Monday, 21 April 2008


At the Committee meeting held on the bar terrace 8th of April 2008, I was handed three letters, one from an owner published in a previous post, one from Committee member Mrs Ann Impey, and one from Vice President Mrs Pat Olive, which is attached here.

Unlike recent Committee meetings, there were not many owners in attendance to hear the proceedings.

I read out the letters from Mrs Impey and Mrs Olive, after which Committee member Mrs Carol McCarthy raised her hand and declared it seemed like an attempted assassination.

A formal written reply will be given in due course.

The fact of the matter is that legally a Community must have a President, an Administrator and a Secretary. The president can be all three, and often is in many smaller urbanizations and Apartment blocks. In our case we employ APYME as the Administrators, who are legally registered for the purpose, and bound by strict laws regarding keeping our accounts and other secretarial work such as taking minutes in Spanish at our Official Committee meetings.

As the President I am legally responsible for EVERYTHING that is done in the name of Mi Sol either by me or anyone else. Ignorance of things done by others in Mi Sol's name is not a defence in Spanish Law. The Community can vote in a Vice President if they so wish, but there are no specific duties attached to that position, unless assigned to them by the President.

The duties referred to by the Vice President are largely self appointed whilst a member of the previous Administration. I have now taken control of dealing with the Administrators, the meter readings, and cross checking the work of the Administrators. I gave my reasons for doing this to the Committee at an informal meeting held in the Office on Saturday afternoon 19th April 2008. There were some members of the Committee very unhappy about me taking this action. they are entitled to their point of view. I would simply refer you back to the first sentence of the previous paragraph. One Committee member expressed the view that I was just the same as Pepe, this is quite ironic given that the Committee have twice voted to sell some Community land at the bottom of the Park, despite being told after the first time they voted for it ,that is illegal to do so without the consent of the Owners at an Annual General Meeting. This is the very thing THEY have all been complaining about Pepe doing for years !! You might ask who wanted to buy this land, if you look back through the minutes of 8th January 2008, you will see it is the Husband of the Vice President.

The accounts held by APYME are forwarded to us on a regular basis, each time the meters are read and new bills are produced. The full accounts are produced at the AGM in September as required by law. Many of us may not understand them, but they are produced.
Mi Sol is not being left vulnerable as suggested by the Vice President, I would never allow that to happen. It is interesting to note that originally Simon as Treasurer and I obtained the consent of the Community to buy a computer to keep a check on Pepe at a time when he was acting as President and Administrator before the appointment of APYME.

With regard to the Lawyer, I completely refute that statement, after every visit to the Lawyers I report to the Committee and the Owners present at Committee meetings the outcome of the discussions.
There was one exception to this, it concerned trying to resolve the situation with Paco and his supporters, I was given the option of taking a course of action which might have helped. The Lawyer was insistent that I told nobody until I had made a decision for fear of putting the process in jeopardy. I do have a witness to this conversation. After careful consideration I decided not to carry out the option.

With regard to the remark "tough" it is perfectly true that is what I said. It was during a private conversation and sometimes when provoked, we say things we should not. I make mistakes just like every body else. However you can rest assured the next President will have far more information available than I had when I started, even if they only visit this Web Log and study the documents stored here.

I wanted to be President to try and make Mi Sol a better place for all of us, after all it is my home too, in five months time all the Owners will have their chance to elect a new President, if they believe I have let them down.


Anonymous said...

I commend your recent actions and well done for not being manipulated by a disruptive element whose purpose seems to be to hinder rather than support. Well done you have risen up the respect ladder by 100%

Anonymous said...

for gods sake cut the slagging off childish....and let neil get on with the job....hes only been in it for 5 minutes its going to take at least a year to sort out...get behind your president witrh support....or put your hands up to take a very diffult other words....put up or shut up!!!