Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Dog Attack

I was told this morning, that a dog belonging to Pepe attacked a small dog belonging to a neighbour, causing serious injuries. The Owner of the small dog was unable to deal with the situation as his wife is seriously ill in hospital. Another Owner took the the injured dog to an emergency Vets for treatment. The lady who took the dog to the Vets, told me that the Vet had given her a written report on the extent of the injuries to the dog and a receipt for 60 Euro, which she had paid for the treatment.

The lady also told me that she had shown the report and receipt to Pepe, who denied any responsibility and threw the report and receipt onto the road, before storming off.

I understand it is possible a Denuncia will be made against Pepe to the Guardia Civil concerning the attack.


Anonymous said...

We have read with interest your blog over the past couple of months and find it to be very fair giving both sides of every argument.

We have visited MIsol on many occasions over the past five years and find it to be a little oasis in-between all the tower blocks. We have toyed with the idea of getting a place on MIsol but because of some of the astronomical price some owners wish to get for there plots we have not done so yet.

As for the gates they should be fixed asap I know some people say we have paid for the gates and you have not, so you do not get a key. But at the end of the day it benefits everybody for both security and personal safety.

I would not like to have approach two men and ask them what they were doing on Misol. If this is allowed to carry on more vagrants will find out and do the same. I cannot understand Pepe's reluctance to call the Police. As this would be a far better deterrent than him asking them what they were doing.

As for the gates the opening sensor is a very weak point as you have said they have been disable twice with a stick. A better entry method I have seen used in hospitals is a metal plastic fronted box with the sensor inside you have a card which is held up to the sensor opening the door if the electricity fails the door opens manually. The gates are there it would only be the sensor that needed changing and entry cards issues I have no idea of the cost but do not think it would be to astronomical.

Also the placement of signs around the fencing on Misol in different languages telling people that if you are not a resident or holding on Misol you are not allowed entry to Misol as it is private property. Also that the police will be called if you have no right to be on Misol.

I do not think this would cost a lot and would possibly deter people from entering Misol. What would be the possibility of starting a neighbourhood watch system or do you already have one.

It is nice to see that someone like yourself is willing to put in the time and effort to inform everyone about what is happening and make MIsol Park a better and safer place for residents and visitors alike.

Anonymous said...

We have read with interest your blog over the past couple of months and find it to be very fair giving both sides of every argument.

We have visited MIsol on many occasions over the past five years and find it to be a little oasis in-between all the tower blocks. We have toyed with the idea of getting a place on MIsol but because of some of the astronomical price some owners wish to get for there plots we have not done so yet.

As for the gates they should be fixed asap I know some people say we have paid for the gates and you have not, so you do not get a key. But at the end of the day it benefits everybody for both security and personal safety.

I would not like to have approach two men and ask them what they were doing on Misol. If this is allowed to carry on more vagrants will find out and do the same. I cannot understand Pepe's reluctance to call the Police. As this would be a far better deterrent than him asking them what they were doing.

As for the gates the opening sensor is a very weak point as you have said they have been disable twice with a stick. A better entry method I have seen used in hospitals is a metal plastic fronted box with the sensor inside you have a card which is held up to the sensor opening the door if the electricity fails the door opens manually. The gates are there it would only be the sensor that needed changing and entry cards issues I have no idea of the cost but do not think it would be to astronomical.

Also the placement of signs around the fencing on Misol in different languages telling people that if you are not a resident or holding on Misol you are not allowed entry to Misol as it is private property. Also that the police will be called if you have no right to be on Misol.

I do not think this would cost a lot and would possibly deter people from entering Misol. What would be the possibility of starting a neighbourhood watch system or do you already have one.

It is nice to see that someone like yourself is willing to put in the time and effort to inform everyone about what is happening and make MIsol Park a better and safer place for residents and visitors alike.