Sunday 29 July 2007

How Petty Can It Get ?

Whilst I was away on my recent holiday, the car used by the Gardener ran out of petrol.
The Gardener has informed me that Pepe has been using the car and trailer for his own purposes.
This seems strange as Pepe has his own cars, and a brand new trailer.

The Gardener asked Pepe for some money for petrol, in order to use the car. Pepe apparently refused this request, the reason is unknown. The Gardener then approached other members of the Committee, who for various reasons, all declined to give him any money for the petrol.

On my return, and hearing of the problem, I supplied money for the petrol, which I will reclaim from Mi Sol at the end of the month.

Some Owners might wonder why when so many thousands of Euro are being wasted on building works, not authorised by the Committee, 20 Euro could not be given for petrol in order that the gardener might carry on with his work.

During this period of my absence, some Spanish owners cleared out a number of household items, and left them outside their property for disposal. Pepe ordered the Gardener to remove these items. The question is, why would Pepe do that, when there is a phone number in the Office to ring the Local Authorities, who will come and collect such items without charge?

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