Sunday, 8 July 2007

New Wet Rooms

Earlier this week, I had a conversation with Pepe, in which he said the Spanish Owners were complaining that there were not enough Wet Room facilities. I decided not to mention this conversation, until the matter had been discussed at yesterdays Committee meeting.

Pepe told me that the floor of one of the present Wet Rooms was covered in human faeces, and that another shower Block, that has yet to be converted to Lock Up storage, still has all the sanitary fittings in place. Certain Owners who still have keys to this building, have been using the toilet facilities, knowing very well that there is no water supply connected to the building !! I would add the disclaimer here, that it is what I have been told, I have not seen it (or smelt it ) for myself.!!

Pepe went on to say that he had been obliged to have 15 keys cut for the Wet Rooms, and needed a further 15. He said that if an owner requested a key he was obliged to give them one, this included an English Owner, she must presumably agree with the Spanish view, that it is a jolly good idea to have hot water and electricity for free, letting the rest of us pay for it !!

I said to Pepe that it had been agreed to have the Wet Rooms metered, so that those that used them paid for using them. Pepe replied that it was illegal to charge people to use the Wet Rooms, because we are a camping site. In reply to this I said that this argument regarding Mi Sol being a camping site was used many times by the Spanish Owners., but how many of them actually lived in caravans or tents ? Most of them had houses on their plots. There not very many Owners nowadays, English or Spanish, who did not have their own bathroom facilities.

The question regarding the status of Mi Sol was then brought into question, regarding the new constitution called a Vecino of Owners. This is the point being investigated by the Administrator, referred to in the last post.

"Tongue in cheek" Pepe suggested we build a shower block in every circle !! Of course if you take the Spanish Owners attitude to it´s logical conclusion, he is quite right, we should all abandon our own bathrooms and use free water and electricity supplied by Mi Sol, and of course every weekend we could bring lots of relatives, friends and hangers on to enjoy this utopia as well !!

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