Monday, 22 October 2007

Committee Meeting

Here are the minutes from the Committee meeting held on 16th October 2007 as taken by Hazel.


Present: N. Stacey, A. Impey, J. Hanrahan, P. Olive, L. Foley, L. Jeminez The

administrator Alberto and his assistant Melanie. '

Absent S. Shaw, P. Whitehead. J. Titterton (England)

An embargo has been placed against the Cambank account of Paco and his supporters to cover Social Security which should have been paid for the employment of Lucas and the Cleaner.

Neill has to speak to the solicitors to stop a court case on the 28th November in connection with plot 425 who has already paid.

We need approx 20,000.00 Euros to pay the electric and water bills throughout October, November and December. Money is being paid into the Banco Popular but we still need more members of the community to pay their dues.

Alberto was asked to phone Pepe for the keys to the lockup, office, electric boxes and transformer room. At the end of the meeting Alberto went to see Pepe and recovered the keys.

New laws concerning the swimming pool were asked for and emailed to Neill. These will have to be studied.

Alberto was asked once again if Antonio could publish the court papers on the web site, this was agreed to, as it was in the past, but will it happen?

The 1000 Euros paid by the Owner of plot 70 is in Banco Banestro. We are waiting for a form to be able to go and claim it.

We have had the copy of the Suma bill paid by Pepe just after the AGM. These amounts of Euro 747 . 08 relate to the office, bar and toilet blocks, and will be proportioned and added to the relevant accounts

We were informed that plot number 408 is for sale, and that this property has an embargo on it. Rosario advised Neill that the Embargo of the property was still in place pending the payment of Court and Lawyers fees.

A meeting was asked for by Neill, in which he, Paco and the 2 administrators would have met and discussed things, as Paco was unwilling for the meeting to take place without a lawyer this did not come to fruition. Neill once again asked Paco to place some of the money in CAM into the Banco Popular in order to help with the Electric and water bills. As yet no money has been transferred.

Rosario has just received a decision on a court case 10yrs old relating to the Gates. The denuncia was made by two people, who are no longer Owners on Mi Sol and the courts decided that the gates have to come down. We are waiting for Rosario to tell us exactly what the position is now.

Pepe had two electric meters, one of them without charge for his Office, when he was President, but will in future pay for both. In the absence of Peter Whitehead, Annie Impey volunteered to patrol Mi-Sol and mark down where most of the rubbish is. We can then get a skip and hopefully a party of volunteers to clear the site.

Several people on Mi-Sol Park are occupying community land and claiming it as their own. It was voted unanimously to inform these people that if they wish to continue to appropriate this land then a charge of 150 Euros per sq metres will be made, a receipt will be given and can be attached to their Escritura.

It was suggested that Alberto send a letter to Pepe, thanking him for all his past ­good work, and a formal thank you from the new President and Committee. It is
understood that some gesture was made to Pepe but unfortunately this was no
t made known to the Community, and very few people attended.

Finally Melanie asked if the meetings could be held at 4.00 p.m. instead of 5.00p.m. as this would suit her better. This was agreed to unanimously.

Next unofficial meeting 6th November 4.00 pm.

Next official meeting 20th November 4.00 p.m.

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