Thursday, 11 October 2007


Paco gave me a letter requesting a meeting be held between representatives of the two Committees. I readily agreed, and a meeting was held on the Bar terrace last Saturday evening 6th October 2007.

We started by asking Paco what was it they wanted in order to reach a settlement of the dispute.
The reply seemed to consist of a series of questions regarding what had happened to various sums of money. It was pointed out that the only people that could answer these questions were the Administrators, they were the ones with the accounts and information.

I told the meeting that Paco had promised to vote at the AGM if arrangements could be made for both sides to vote at a combined meeting. This had been arranged, but at the last minute Paco did not vote on instructions from their Lawyer. This was a golden opportunity to reunite the Park, and we would now have had a Committee representing all sections of the Community under a new President. By not voting, such a Committee could not be legally formed without calling and Extraordinary general meeting.

It was also pointed out Paco had promised that once a new President had been elected, they would join the rest of the Community, handing over their Bank account, and documents. The reply was given that this would be done after everything had been sorted out. It was also noted that they have constantly said "ALL" they ever wanted was a new President, now they have one why not reunite the Community and go forward from here, and let the Lawyers and Administrators sort out the events of the past. After all they are the ones with the information, not us.

It was pointed out that after four years of Court cases, large sums of money wasted, which should have been used for the benefit of the Community and causing a great deal of damage to the Community, they had still not achieved their aim of having a new President. The Community had done this itself, without financial cost, by a democratic election.

Paco was presented with a copy of the Banco Popular statement, showing our dire financial position, knowing there was around Euro 9000 in their Cambank account, he was asked if they were going to contribute that money, which after all was supposed to be for paying water and electricity charges used by his supporters. He said yes, but he would have to consult his Committee first. One of their Committee suggested to Paco that they should now pay their water and electricity bills directly to Banco Popular. We assured them that bills could be provided for this purpose. To date we have not received any money from them.

They said we had received Euro 45,000 from their supporters through the Courts, we agreed, but explained this was for the year 2004 only, I have double checked this personally with Mi Sol Lawyer Rosario, we replied given they only have Euroo 9000 in the Cambank, where is all the money they should have from their supporters for 2005, 2006, and 2007

The meeting lasted for about an hour and a half. This post details the salient points as I remember them, Hazel did attend to take notes, but given the nature of the meeting, it was impossible for her to write an accurate account.

After consultation with our Administrator, I gave Paco a written letter asking him to arrange a meeting between him, the two Administrators and myself, a time and venue to be arranged by them. Paco has replied and the meeting should take place on Tuesday morning 16th October 2007 at the Offices of their administrator to inspect the financial records of both sides.

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