Monday, 1 October 2007

New Committee

Here is a list of the Newly elected Committee members.

Mrs Pat Olive Plot 464 Vice president
Mrs Jackie Hanrahan Plot 62 Secretary
Mrs Jean Titterton Plot 486 Treasurer
Mrs Shelagh Shaw Plot 413 Vocal
Mr Peter Whitehead Plot 360 Vocal
Mrs Anne Impey Plot 208 Vocal
Mrs Lynne Jimenez Plot 18 Vocal
Mrs Linda Foley Plot 282 Vocal

I am very pleased to welcome each and everyone of them to the Committee, and thank them for offering their individual skills to help the Community through the undoubtedly difficult period ahead.

Special thanks are due to Mrs Hazel Holt for her very kind offer to take the minutes of the meetings in English. This will be much appreciated, as for some time we have not had anyone willing to keep a written record.

Since the AGM on Saturday, several other Owners have come forward to offer help to the Community and this is much appreciated.

Mrs Dorothy Griffiths, Mrs Annie Sheehan and Mr Danny Williams have for a long time given freely of their time to man the Office and are now taking a well earned rest.

I understand Mr Bill Clynes will continue as Mi Sol Postman, a vital job, which he seems able to do with a smile whatever the weather. Mr Danny Williams has very kindly offered to step in when Bill is not available.

It has been agreed that Committee meetings will be held on the Bar Terrace, twice per month.
This month the meetings will be held on Wednesday 3rd at 5 pm, and on Tuesday 16th also at 5 pm when the Administrator will attend.

I would like to encourage Owners to attend the meetings, time will be set aside for questions at the end. Questions in writing would be appreciated to make it easier for Hazel in taking notes.

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