Thursday, 14 June 2007

Swimming Pool

I received a telephone call from Mr Moran at Mi Sol Bar today, he is very concerned about the large amount of water being lost from the Swimming Pool every day.

The Pool has it´s own water meter and readings have shown that in the last 3 weeks over 1300 Units of water have been used which at a cost of around 2.35 Euro per unit equates to about 3,055 Euro, in other words 1000 Euro per week. The water level drops by around 7 inches each night and takes about 9 hours to refill every day, during which time there is not enough water pressure to operate the showers, hand basins and toilets in the pool area.

Whilst it was known the Pool does leak, I had no idea it was on such a large scale. The pool has had a leak for 7 years that I know of, and some six years ago an Engineer was brought in to discover where the leak was. The investigation revealed that a pipe leading from the Pool to the Pump Room was cracked. Pepe suggested that the wall be demolished and the pipe replaced. Some of us on the Committee at that time felt that fitting a smaller pipe inside the cracked one and welding it at each end would solve the problem much more easily and cheaply.

Since that time, as far as I know, nothing has been done about it, nor do I know whether any discussion has taken place at any of the Committee meetings. This would seem to raise some questions.

If nothing has been done about the leak for 7 years, why not ? One explanation might be that due to the internal squabbling between opposing factions, for the last 4 years or so, until this year, there has been no money available to repair it. Nevertheless, 1000 Euro per week to keep the Pool topped up, whether paid for by the Bar or the Community, would seem an unacceptable amount.

There is also the moral question of condoning the wastage in such large quantities of, a precious resource. What action, if any, would the Water Authorities take were they to know this was happening. Would they suspend the supply of water to the Pool until such time as they were given proof that repairs had been carried out?

Where is all this water going to ? Is it eroding the materials in the wall ? If so, could a catastrophic collapse of the Pool wall occur at any time ?

This is clearly a subject for urgent discussion and investigation.

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