Friday, 22 February 2008

Arson Update

The insurance company have given permission to remove the debris from the Bar.

I am pleased to report that at least 11 volunteers have been working all day to clear the Bar, and that tomorrow the toilets will be given a thorough clean.

The Bar will open again on Sunday afternoon at 2 pm, with restocked drink supplies being served on the terrace. Entertainment will be available, and the fun quiz will take place in the evening as planned. This is a magnificent achievement by all concerned.

At the moment I am not sure when the rebuilding of the Serving area will begin, and I expect the seating area will have to be redecorated, this will be done by contractors employed by the insurance company.

Interestingly, only the day before the fire, the Committee discussed whether to close the Bar and terminate the Contract with Mr Morans. This is because Mr Morans made a written agreement with the Community to pay Euro 750 into Banco Popular every month to cover his rent, water and electricity charges. He has failed to make any payment, and gone on holiday to Thailand not expecting to return until April.

After speaking to Kevin the stand in Barman, it would seem Mr Morans is more concerned with being on holiday than returning to rescue his business.

We are lucky to have Kevin, who could just have walked away from this situation, but instead has taken the initiative to re-open the Bar. Both he, and Committee member Lynne Jimemez who also works in the Bar, have indicated to me that they will take the Euro 750 per month from the profits and pay it into Banco Popular instead of paying it into the account of Mr Morans.

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