Saturday, 23 February 2008

Two Steps Forward-One Step Back

Those of you "into" Line dancing will know that Two Steps Forward- One Step Back is the name of a famous old dance, it also aptly describes the financial situation on Mi Sol over the last few months.
Just when we are getting on our feet, a debt from the past comes back to haunt us.

This time it is the good old Social Security again, on Wednesday APYME called the Department of Social Security, and during the conversation they were informed that Mi Sol Bank Account was to be Embargoed for the sum of Euro 8000 (Eight Thousand) in the next few days. This was a bolt from the blue, I had no idea this was in the pipeline. Even the Administrator gasped at the news.

I later spoke to someone in authority at the Department responsible for collecting payments from Employers, and was told this debt relates to Social Security payments which should have been made in 2006/2007 for a Gardener employed in the name of Mi Sol Park.

The original amount due was in the order of Euro 1270, but with sanctions being added over time for non payment, the figure is now Euro 8000.

There is the possibility that it may not be our account which is embargoed, unfortunately because the process is so far advanced I have no way of finding out whether the Official Banco Popular account or the unofficial Cambank account as operated by Paco and his supporters is going to be affected. All we can do is wait and see.

The collection process has been handed over from the Social Security to the Banco EspaƱa, the Spanish equivalent of the Bank of England. They have sent an enquiry to every bank in Spain to find the Bank account details of Mi Sol Park. I understand that the money will be taken from the first account details they receive.

The point here is that Social Security do not care who is responsible for employing the Gardener, they just want the money, and come what may, they will get it. If neither Bank account has enough money to pay, they will then embargo an individual Owner of the Community, this could be ANY Owner they happen to choose!!!

The good news is this should be the last of the debts being claimed by the Department of Social Security.

This post demonstrates clearly why I prefer to use contractors to carry out work on Mi Sol rather than have people employed by the Community.

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