Saturday 23 February 2008


As reported in the newsletter produced by Mo Taunton, this is the time of year when the Processional Caterpillars are active.

They develop in silky like nests in Pine trees, after which they come down the trees in a procession, hence the name.

They are highly dangerous, often fatal to animals. The hairs of the Caterpillar being the dangerous part. Killing the Caterpillars does not solve the problem, they must be burnt, the only form of treatment allowed.

Do not under any circumstances touch them or pick them up with bare hands, or breathe in the spores from the hairs.

Committee member Mrs Ann Impey informed me on Wednesday morning she had seen a procession of these caterpillars some 2 metres long. I immediately called in contractors who have inspected every pine tree and destroyed every nest they located, in the approved manner by burning them.

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