Sunday, 17 February 2008


There seem to be some Owners who are not satisfied with the new Administration, comments such as " nothing has been done" or " this Committee are not doing anything" seem to be doing the rounds. These Owners would do well to remember that it was not an easy task to keep Mi Sol "afloat" throughout the months of October, November, and December 2007, not only keeping the Park going, but paying off debts left by the previous Administration. Debts which are STILL coming to light even now. The previous Bank statements bear this out.

Attached is a report which shows how much money has been spent from 1st October 2007 to the 7th of February 2008, which amounts to Euro 44775 . 18. Apart from Euro 3000 for legal bills left by the former Administration, this is the very bare minimum it took to keep Mi Sol running during a four month period.

Also attached is the latest statement from Banco Popular, which shows a much healthier situation thanks to the many Owners who paid their bills on time. It has been very frustrating not having any money to do the things we all want to improve the Park, but we have made a start with the tree pruning.........Watch this space for further developments.

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