Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Trailer for the Gardener.

It appears we cannot obtain the Matricular (number plate) for the Gardeners trailer as Pepe says there is no paperwork for it.

Pepe has hired a skip from the Company Juanmi for the Gardener to use.
These skips cost 60 Euro each to hire and do not take very long to fill with garden rubbish.

I have investigated the cost of buying a brand new all steel trailer. These range in price from 250 Euro for a small one up to 799 Euro for a large one. A medium sized trailer suitable for our needs would cost 499 Euro.

At the next Committee meeting I will be proposing we buy a new trailer, on the grounds that it would be more cost effective than renting skips every couple of weeks. i.e 10 skips over 20 weeks @ 60 Euro per skip = 600 Euro.

The question was raised at a recent Committee meeting about investigating the possibility of a regular "green" skip free through the scheme run by the Town Hall. However as far as I have been able to determine, Mi Sol is not eligible for this.

Change of cheque signatures

Simon John who after several years of Sterling work, recently resigned as Treasurer. By mutual agreement his name has been removed as one of the three signatures required for signing cheques on behalf of Mi Sol. I have replaced him in this regard. Attached is a copy of the letter to Banco Popular instructing them to make the change.

Sunday, 25 February 2007


After a great deal of work by quite a few owners, several of the circles are now looking very pretty, some even sporting small vegetable patches. The Committee are keen to encourage and support all owners to take over the upkeep of their circles. With this in mind there may well soon be a proposal to the Committee that an annual competition be held to decide the best kept circle.
I have heard one suggestion that Prize money to the winners could even be as much as 500 Euro!!

Owners of different circles have been seen helping each other, this is having the effect of reviving some of the community spirit sadly lacking over the last three or four years.

One advantage of owners caring for their own circles is that this allows the Gardener to spend more time bringing the remainder of the Park up to a standard we can all enjoy and be proud of.
This will not happen "overnight" but a start has been made in the right direction.

Bank Statement

Here is the latest statement from Banco Popular.

As you can see two payments have been made to Mi Sol on this statement, but who paid them in ?

Whenever you make a payment at your bank to Mi Sol PLEASE make sure your name and Plot
number are put on the paying in slip. Otherwise we do not know who has paid in the money, and your Mi Sol Account cannot be credited with the payment.

Friday, 23 February 2007

New Strimmer

I am pleased to report that a new strimmer has been bought for the Gardener.
He was last seen in a cloud of grass and dust using his new toy.

The number plate for the trailer has still not been obtained, I will ask Pepe what is happening about it as soon as possible.

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Latest Court judgement.

Here is a copy of a Court sentence delivered on Monday 19th February 2007, although the eagle eyed amongst you will notice the documents are in fact dated Thursday 15th February 2007.
I do not know the reason for this, I can only assume that the judgement was given and written on the 15th and delivered in court on the 19th, but that is purely guess work on my part.
At this time I have not supplied an English translation of the document, I will endeavour to obtain one and post it here in due course. You are of course welcome to collect a copy of this document from the Office, but I would advise having it translated by a person qualified to translate legal documents in order to understand it fully.

It seems Pepe / Committee won the case, the other party being ordered to pay 1485.42 Euro One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Five Euro Forty Two Centimos. They were given 5 days to appeal.

Social Security Demand Continued

Here is a copy of the letter in Spanish and English from the Ministry of Work and Social Security demanding payment of 3005 . 07 Euro, Three Thousand and Five Euro and Seven Centimos. This is in respect of a Gardener and a Cleaner employed by Antonio Escudero, pretending to be the President of Mi Sol Park. Many times he and his supporters claimed the Social Security payments were being made for these employees. Clearly this letter shows that they did not make the payments they claim to have made.

Pepe has been in negotiations with the the Department of Social Security explaining that Mi Sol did not employ these people, but it seems we as a community are still obliged to pay this money.

This matter has been discussed by the Committee and legal advice is being taken on ways to recoup this money from those responsible for the debt.

Juan the official Gardener of Mi Sol is also mentioned in these documents, however his Social Security payments are being made by Mi Sol as you can see from the Bank Statements posted on this Web Log and on the notice board outside the office.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

New Community Fees for 2007

Above is a table showing the new Community fees for 2007, you can easily see the amount you should be charged for your plot size.

Also included are last years charges, and the amount of increase for 2007.

Monday, 19 February 2007

For History Buffs

Here is a copy of the leaflet announcing the first ever Mi Sol Newsletter dated February 1974

I will be posting copies of this original publication from time to time.

Remember.... Just left click on any image on this web log to view it full size.

Bank Statement

Here is the latest Statement from Banco Popular.

Sunday, 18 February 2007


Recently I was invited by the Gardener to visit the sewerage pump house, where he showed me two items he had removed from the main sewerage pipe into the pump room. After inspecting the offending articles, and the position from which they were removed, two thoughts came to mind.
1. I have yet to find a toilet that will allow you to flush down a large beer can (500 cl), and a stick of around 12 inches in length.
2. Who had used divine intervention to enable these two items to pass through the trap which is designed specifically to catch unusual things, and then magically trap themselves can first and then stick, a couple of feet down the pipe to the sewerage tank.

Answers on a postcard please !!!

Photo of the items attached

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Nasty Suprise

Some weeks ago two ladies from the department of Social Security arrived at the office, bringing with them a letter, which was a demand for a payment in excess of 3000 Euro. This demand was for payment due for the employment of a cleaner on Mi Sol Park. Pepe pointed out to them that Mi Sol had not employed this lady, she had in fact been employed by Antonio Escudero using the official fiscal number of Mi Sol. This cleaner had not been employed by Mi Sol during the time period in question.

Pepe visited the offices of Social security in Orihuela, again explaining that Mi Sol had not employed the cleaner and that it was the responsibility of Antonio Escudero to pay the outstanding amount.

Recently another letter was delivered to Mi Sol demanding payment of the above amount and advising that a substantial fine would be added if the demand was not paid shortly. The matter was discussed by the committee and Pepe, it was decided that this money would have to be paid from Mi Sol funds, despite the fact that Mi Sol itself had not incurred the debt. It was also agreed to investigate how Mi Sol could reclaim this amount from Antonio Escudero and his supporters. It is quite clear that as a Government agency the department of Social Security are not interested in the internal dispute of Mi Sol, they just want to collect the money that is due to them. It seems that the cleaner in question retired some months ago and is now happily collecting her State pension.

Pepe also told the committee that he had in his possession copies of documents signed by Antonio Escudero on behalf of Mi Sol, using a false fiscal number.

I am trying to get a copy of the latest letter from the department of Social security so that it can be posted here.

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Mobile Phone Theft

Mobile phone theft is a big problem these days, here is some information that may help you.

Just type into your phone the following :-


This will display a fifteen digit number, unique to your phone. Write this number down in a safe place. In the unfortunate event that your phone is lost or stolen, contact your supplier Movistar, Vodaphone etc and give them the fifteen digit number. They will disable your phone forever, rendering it completely useless to anyone. Whilst this does not get your phone back, if everyone with a mobile phone did this, the theft of these items would probably become a thing of the past.
You can also obtain a new Sim card with your old phone number on it, I did this myself and at no cost. Also available are small devices for about 10 Euro which will store all the information on your phone, then should your phone be lost or stolen, you can transfer all this information onto your new phone.

Financial Queries

The financial documents presented here are for general information.
If you want a copy of your Mi Sol account or have specific queries about Bank statements etc, I would strongly urge you to contact the Administrators APMYE directly. This will ensure that you receive the most up to date and accurate information available.

You can visit their offices in person between 9.30 am and 1.30 pm Monday to Friday.
They are easy to find being just across the road from the entrance to the underground car park on Paseo Vista Alegre.

The address is:- APYME Administracion de Fincas.

Calle Concepcion n.8 - 2c
03181 . Torrevieja. Alicante.
Apartado de Correos 32.

Telephone 0034 965 713 342
Fax 0034 965 713 403

E-mail admon@apyme.es

If you visit in person ask to speak to Melanie

You are still welcome of course, to post comments under any subject presented here, or send general enquiries to misolpark@gmail.com

Sunday, 11 February 2007

Committee Meeting February 2007

The committee was informed, from figures given by the Administrators, 106,000 Euro is still owed to Mi Sol from non paying owners. The Committee were asked if the process of taking debtors to court should continue, there was a unanimous decision in favour of continuing.
I do not have the exact numbers to hand, but around 150 owners have been taken to court so far for non payment of fees. In ALL cases the judgement was in favour of Mi Sol. There have been a couple of appeals, one of which was rejected by the court, the other we are still waiting for information from the courts.

So far all the cases taken to court refer to debts of 2004,from now on debtors will be taken to court for amounts owing from 2005 and 2006 together. The reason that only debts of 2004 were taken to court up until now is that there was huge amount of work the Administrators had to carry out to determine the exact amounts of debt in each case. The information presented to the court must be accurate to the last centimos otherwise the case will be rejected. Taking the cases from 2004 to court first has allowed much needed money to be recovered and allowed time for the figures of 2005 /2006 to be prepared, which has now been done. Because of the large number of cases, only a small number can be presented to the court each month. I have been advised that there are 14 cases to appear before court from now until 28th March.

There was a report of a lady resident of the park, falling over some blocks on the road, placed there by the two Spanish youths, referred to in a previous post. She sustained injury to her hands according to the report. She apparently asked the youths to remove the offending blocks, the response from the youths appears to have been the throwing of stones at her property and verbal abuse. Pepe said he is trying to find out the names of the youths so that action can be taken against them.

It was proposed that the Gardeners´water taps should be removed from the casitas in all the circles. After some discussion it was accepted that taps should be removed in some of the circles due to some owners abusing their use by washing the roads, and building properties using water they are not paying for. In other circles they will remain because the owners in these circles spend much time and effort in keeping them nice and an asset to the Park as a whole.

The question of the Gardener ( Juan) and his lack of tools to work with, was raised. Several owners have complaind that Juan is not "doing anything", Juan has told me he has no tools to "do anything" with, a ridiculous situation. Jaun told Pepe he needed a strimmer and some weedkiller. The present strimmer is broken, possibly beyond repair. Pepe refused apparently to obtain either a strimmer or weedkiller, I have not been able to find out the reason for this decision. The Committee discussed the matter and decided a new (good quality not the cheapest) strimmer should be purchased and Pepe was asked to obtain one.

Pepe told the Committee that he wanted the water and electric meters read and bills made out every two months rather than the three month period as at present. The subject was discussed, points being made that it would incur six readings a year, instead of the present four, a lot more work for the Administrators, plus the expense of printing out of extra bills and there would be no particular advantage to doing this.
At this point Pepe became very agitated and said that if he did not get his way on this issue he would resign as President on the 19th of February after the court case between Antonio Escudera and himself, whatever the outcome of that case. He is already obliged to do that anyway after a proposal that this should happen was voted on and accepted by a majority of owners at the AGM in September 2006. Pepe was told that the committee wanted to keep things as they are and not change to a two monthly billing system as he had proposed.

A proposal was put forward by Dorothy, that the rental for the Bar should be increased. It was pointed out by Derek Olive that the agreement for the Bar allows no increase in the rental for five years, after which the rental will rise by the cost of inflation every year. The meeting drifted to a close.

It often very difficult to report accurately all that is discussed at these meetings, there seems no formal structure, very often two or three conversations are going on at the same time, subjects being discussed are frequently changed without any resolution of the first one. It was proposed before Christmas that Committee meetings be held at the bar in future. this would allow seating to be arranged so that everyone at the meeting could hear what was going on, there would be room for owners to sit in and listen to the meeting. It was also proposed that half an hour be set aside at the end of the meeting to allow any owners who wanted to, ask questions or raise issues they had interest in. Pepe accepted these proposals, but to date this has not happened.

Water and Electricity Bills

There has been some concern by several owners that the charge per unit for water on their latest bills has been doubled to 2.50 Euro. As I understand it,about two years ago Aguamed the water suppliers, increased their charge per unit to Mi Sol by 100 Percent. During this time no increase to owners was made and as a consequence the Community was subsidising all owners water charges.
At the AGM in September 2006 this was pointed out to all owners attending. It was proposed and accepted by a majority vote to adjust the charges for water and electricity to owners in line with what Mi Sol was actually being charged by Agumed and Ibedrola. Hence the large increase in water bills.

With regard to the electricity bills, I was under the impression that owners were being charged more per unit than Mi Sol was being charged by Ibedrola. I anticipated that whilst water charges were increased, charges for electricity would be reduced. The charges for electricity have not been reduced. I spoke to Melanie the assistant to the Aministrators about this, she claims that, after calculations were made, the cost per unit to Mi Sol was 19 centimos per unit and that owners were being charged 20 centimos per unit, and added that it was not worth all the extra work of changing everyones bill for 1 centimos per unit on this present set of bills.

I have attached copies of the electricity bill from Iberdrola dated 17th January 2007
When available I will post copies of the water bill from Aguamed. The current bill having been soaked by heavy rain is unusable.

Expenses 2006

Here is the list of expenses from 1/1/06 to 31/12/06 as prepared by the administrators Apyme.

If you have any questions concerning the expenses, please address them directly to the administrators APYME Calle Concepcion n.8 - 2c, 03181 Torrevieja. Alicante. Apartado deCorreos 32. Telephone 965 713 342 Fax 965 713 403 E-mail: admon@apyme.es

Saturday, 10 February 2007

Burglaries and Vandalism.

Over recent weeks there have been several burglaries of properties on Mi Sol. In one case a Spanish male with connections to Mi Sol was denounced to the Guardia Civil, having been caught inside the premises. I have spoken to the Guardia about these burglaries and they advised me that unless the culprit was caught on the premises and held there until the Guardia arrived they were unable to make a prosecution. In other words they would need proof that would stand up in court. The question was raised concerning what happens if an intruder is injured by an owner protecting their property. The answer seemed to indicate that the law here is very similar to England, in other words the court would decide if reasonable force had been used, a conviction of the owner would depend on the verdict.

After two owners advised me that they had purchased guns to protect themselves against intruders, I spoke to the owner of a local shop selling these weapons. He told me that air guns and starting pistols are perfectly legal, but they must only be used on the purchasers own property. Shooting intruders with these weapons is against the law !! The only requirement to obtain one of these weapons is production of your identification at the time of purchase.

Recently two Spanish youths were caught kicking the pedestrian gate at the bottom of the park. This caused the lock to be damaged beyond repair. They have also been engaged in various forms of anti social behaviour on the park, including intimidation of some residents.
It was believed one of the youths lived with his parents on Mi Sol in a flat owned by Clara.
Pepe was informed of the damage to the gate. He thought the youths were under age for prosecution, however said he would speak to the parents with regard to a possible Denuncia to the Guardia Civil. I do not yet know the outcome of this meeting, but have not seen these youths on Mi Sol since.

Bank Statement

Here is the latest statement from Banco Popular.

09-02-2007 Ingreso de efectivo por ventanilla en oficina 0075-0172 142.43 10,041.01
09-02-2007 PAID IN 452.60 9,898.58
09-02-2007 PAID IN 428.36 9,445.98
08-02-2007 PAID IN 121.70 9,017.62
08-02-2007 PAID IN 530.00 8,895.92
08-02-2007 PAID IN 149.80 8,365.92
08-02-2007 PAID IN 1,462.22 8,216.12
07-02-2007 PAID IN 74.63 6,753.90
07-02-2007 PAID IN 150.32 6,679.27
07-02-2007 PAID IN 445.62 6,528.95
07-02-2007 PAID IN 586.92 6,083.33
07-02-2007 PAID IN 1,100.00 5,496.41
06-02-2007 PAID IN 353.67 4,396.41
06-02-2007 PAID IN 257.08 4,042.74
06-02-2007 PAID IN 485.37 3,785.66
06-02-2007 PAID IN 475.64 3,300.29
06-02-2007 Cheque en efectivo núm. 003410368----GARDENERS SALARY -944.53 2,824.65
05-02-2007 PAID IN 700.91 3,769.18
05-02-2007 PAID IN 500.00 3,068.27
05-02-2007 PAID IN 522.48 2,568.27
05-02-2007 PAID IN 656.52 2,045.79
03-02-2007 PAID IN 400.00 1,389.27
02-02-2007 PAID IN 150.00 989.27

You will notice no information is given for entries marked "Paid In" this is to avoid any infringement of the Data Protection Act. If you wish to see this information, you can view it privately in person at the office.

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Improvements to Mi Sol electrical supply

At the last committee meeting in January 2007, Pepe proposed that work should be carried out to improve the electrical supply of the Park, as a matter of urgency.

Over the last few years many more owners are residing on Mi Sol Park, either permanently , or for extended periods of time. With the consequence that many more electrical appliances are being used. This leaves many owners on certain parts of the park with much reduced voltage. As little as 160 volts having been recorded at certain times.

The proposal was to run a new cable from the transformer, under the road to a fuse/connecting box outside plot 70 and from there connect into the existing electrical system. This will have the effect of increasing available power and provide a more even distribution of electricity.

The committee agreed this work should be carried out and suggested a quotation be obtained from a reputable electrical contractor such as Pablo Espinosa who are contractors to Ibedrola and the Town Hall. Pepe took the committee members to the transformer house to show them what the work entailed. The materials to do the job were already in storage there despite the fact that the committee did not know what the cost was going to be, or indeed who was going to do the work.

After this committee meeting Pablo Espinosa were contacted, but were unwilling to give a quotation for carrying out the work. It was agreed that Juan Muñez should be contracted to carry out the improvements, after seeing his quotation of 4500 Euro. As you will see from the latest bank statement, there is not enough money to pay for this work. However Juan Muñez has agreed to take payment in stages as funds allow, and work commenced on this project yesterday.

To view the attached quotation just left click on the image and it will open full size in a new window.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Shower Blocks 3 and 10

Half of shower block 10 has been converted into a garage / store by fitting an "up and over" door in the end. The newly acquired vehicle for the gardener is kept in this when not in use, as are his tools.

Even though there was an overwhelming vote by the owners at the last AGM to close ALL shower blocks, the committee felt it would be prudent to have at least one set of shower facilities available.
So the next quarter of the block has been fitted out as a "wet room" containing shower, wash basin and toilet. One set for male use, one set for female use, sharing a common entrance. The original specification called for the hot water supply to be controlled by a card payment system. The committee felt that those owners wishing to use the wet rooms should pay towards the cost of water and electricity they used. However at this moment in time no such system has been fitted, and an explanation of why not has so far eluded us ........ watch this space !

Please note :- THERE WILL BE NO CLEANER EMPLOYED therefore those using the wet room are expected to keep it clean themselves using the materials supplied.

Juan Muñez carried out the conversion work of both the garage and wet room. He has been paid 5950 Euro as can be seen from the bank statement.

Pepe went against the committees wishes by employing Juan Muñez to do the work, not waiting for the three quotes to be obtained the committee insisted on having by unanimous vote.

The final quarter of the shower block has been rented by an owner as a lock up storage space, at a rental charge of 200 Euro per year.

Block 3 is to be left "as is" for the time being.

Monday, 5 February 2007

Bank Statement

Here is the latest statement from Banco popular.

03-02-2007 PAID IN 400.00 1,389.27
02-02-2007 PAID IN 150.00 989.27
02-02-2007 Comisión por tarifa plana del 01-01-2007 al 31-01-2007 -25.00 839.27
02-02-2007 Recibo de AGAMED S.A., ref.011400038978 -1,226.51 864.27
02-02-2007 Recibo de AGAMED S.A., ref.011400038977 -586.86 2,090.78
01-02-2007 Seguros sociales -401.47 2,677.64
01-02-2007 Recibo de TELEFONICA DE ESPAÑA SA, ref.X00702475226 -85.19 3,079.11
31-01-2007 PAID IN 472.38 3,164.30
31-01-2007 PAID IN 433.88 2,691.92
29/01/2007 Tributo de AGENCIA ESTATAL DE ADMÓN. TRIB, ref. 11206852685 -449.43 2,258.04

Shower Blocks

At the AGM in September 2006 it was proposed to close ALL the shower blocks permanently.
This proposal was accepted in a vote by the vast majority of owners attending.
It was noted that all owners had been given 10 years to install their own facilities and that this period had now expired. All the shower blocks have now been closed, except blocks 3 and 10.
I will explain what is happening to these two blocks in another posting.

Pat Olive, committee member, suggested, and it was accepted that the closed shower blocks should be stripped out and converted into storage lock ups, for the use of owners.
Each shower block is to be converted into four storage units, and any owner may rent one for an annual fee of 200 Euro. These units are for storage only, and not supplied with water or electricity.

The conversion work is very simple, involving only the building of two internal block walls, and the cutting out and installation of two metal doors. Mi Sol is NOT paying to have this work done. The tenants sharing a block are responsible for having the conversion work carried out, Mi Sol will reimburse them by allowing a rent free period to cover the cost. The rental charge will be added to each tenants community charge, rather than issuing a separate bill. This will make collecting any debt which might accrue easier to collect through the courts should that ever be necessary. Before long each shower block will be contributing a positive income to the community of 800 Euro per year, instead of the huge drain (pardon the pun) they have in the past been to the community.

There has been a very good response so far, many of the units have already been let. A few still remain empty. Any owner wishing rent one of these units should put their name down on the sheet in the office. They are let on a "first come - first served" basis.

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Car for the Gardener

Following complaints from the Town Hall regarding the rubbish bins at the top of the site being filled with garden waste, it was decided by Pepe and the committee to investigate the possibility of purchasing a vehicle for the gardener to transport the garden rubbish to the disposal yard behind the fire station. This car was to be fully legal, as it was to be used on public roads and ideally costing no more than 1500 Euro. The gentleman living at plot 468 made it known he was selling his car and wanted 1000 Euro for it. Whilst fairly old, it is in sound mechanical condition, four wheel drive, with removable top, and a legal tow bar. The ideal vehicle for the needs of the park.
At the next committee meeting it was proposed we should purchase the vehicle. Pepe said he had located a vehicle for 3000 Euro. The committee rejected that offer and voted to buy the car from plot 468. This has now been done. The total cost was, purchase of the car 1000 Euro, ITV test 40 Euro, plus transfer fees and insurance.

Saturday, 3 February 2007

Bank Statement Jan 2007

Here is the latest statement from the Banco Popular account. In order to fit on this page the information has been compressed. To obtain a copy of the full version please send an email to misolpark@gmail.com

29/01/2007 Tributo de AGENCIA ESTATAL DE ADMÓN. TRIB, ref. 11206852685 -449.43 2,258.04
26/01/2007 PAID IN 885.11 2,707.47
25/01/2007 PAID IN 423.10 1,822.36
25/01/2007 Recibo de IBERDROLA DISTRIBUCION ELECTRICA, ref.00010343585 -4676.70 1,399.26
24/01/2007 Cheque 003410366 compensado en 0081-0628 -41.83 6,075.96
23/01/2007 Cheque en efectivo núm. 003410367---Juan Munoz Garage & Wet Room -5950.00 6,117.79
20/01/2007 Cheque en efectivo núm. 003410365 -1500.00 12,067.79
17-01-2007 Cheque en efectivo núm. 003410360 -1,008.74 13,567.79
17-01-2007 Cheque 003410361 compensado en 2090-0597 -1,000.00 14,576.53
16-01-2007 PAID IN 150.00 15,576.53
10-01-2007 PAID IN 520.00 15,426.53
09-01-2007 PAID IN 400.00 14,906.53
09-01-2007 PAID IN 105.01 14,506.53
09-01-2007 PAID IN 543.55 14,401.52
08-01-2007 PAID IN 244.52 13,857.97
08-01-2007 PAID IN 937.18 13,613.45
05-01-2007 Cheque en efectivo núm. 003410359 -917.02 12,676.27
04-01-2007 PAID IN 457.81 13,593.29
04-01-2007 Recibo de TELEFONICA DE ESPAÑA SA, ref.X00702475226 -90.12 13,135.48
04-01-2007 PAID IN 100.00 13,225.60
03-01-2007 PAID IN 101.95 13,125.60
03-01-2007 Comisión por tarifa plana del 01-12-2006 al 31-12-2006 -25.00 13,023.65
02-01-2007 Recibo de AGAMED S.A., ref.011400038978 -822.99 13,048.65
02-01-2007 Recibo de AGAMED S.A., ref.011400038977 -470.03 13,871.64
02-01-2007 Seguros sociales -401.47 14,341.67
29-12-2006 Recibo de IBERDROLA DISTRIBUCION ELECTRICA, ref.00010343585 -3,857.19 14,743.14
29-12-2006 PAID IN 150.00 18,600.33
29-12-2006 PAID IN 224.96 18,450.33
29-12-2006 PAID IN 200.00 18,225.37
28-12-2006 PAID IN 1,000.00 18,025.37
28-12-2006 PAID IN 500.00 17,025.37

Friday, 2 February 2007


If you wish to comment on any post on this blog, please click the word "comments" under the post you wish to comment on. In the next page that appears, type your comments, and click "post". If you wish to ask questions,, or for any other information, please send an email to


Welcome to the Mi Sol Park Blog.

My name is Neill Stacey, I have been an owner on Mi Sol for almost eight years. At the Annual General Meeting held on the Bar terrace in September 2006 a large majority of owners attended and by a democratic vote, elected me to represent them as their Vice president.

The Aim of this Blog is to provide ALL owners of Mi Sol a FACTUAL and ACCURATE account of events, both large and small, which affect the everyday running of the park, including the financial situation. It is NOT my intention to indulge in rumour or speculation, but simply present you with the truth to the best of my knowledge.

I would like to thank my partner Emilia, being fluent in both Spanish and English, she is of immense help not only to me, but to the community, in overcoming the language barrier we so often face.

Finally in this introduction, I urge ALL owners to participate in this blog, by posting their comments here. I do reserve the right to remove any posts which I feel are not consistent with the aims of this blog as noted above. It is not designed as a place for people to "have a go " at each other. If you wish to contact me directly please send an email to


Working to make Mi Sol a better place for all of us,



Welcome to the Mi Sol Park Blog.

My name is Neill Stacey, I have been an owner on Mi Sol for almost eight years. At the Annual General Meeting held on the Bar terrace in September 2006 a large majority of owners attended and by a democratic vote, elected me to represent them as their Vice president.

The Aim of this Blog is to provide ALL owners of Mi Sol a FACTUAL and ACCURATE account of events, both large and small, which affect the everyday running of the park, including the financial situation. It is NOT my intention to indulge in rumour or speculation, but simply present you with the truth to the best of my knowledge.

I would like to thank my partner Emilia, being fluent in both Spanish and English, she is of immense help not only to me, but to the community, in overcoming the language barrier we so often face.

Finally in this introduction, I urge ALL owners to participate in this blog, by posting their questions, concerns and comments here. I do reserve the right to remove any posts which I feel are not consistent with the aims of this blog as noted above. It is not designed as a place for people to "have a go " at each other. If you wish to contact me directly please send an email to


Working to make Mi Sol a better place for all of us,
