Sunday, 11 February 2007

Committee Meeting February 2007

The committee was informed, from figures given by the Administrators, 106,000 Euro is still owed to Mi Sol from non paying owners. The Committee were asked if the process of taking debtors to court should continue, there was a unanimous decision in favour of continuing.
I do not have the exact numbers to hand, but around 150 owners have been taken to court so far for non payment of fees. In ALL cases the judgement was in favour of Mi Sol. There have been a couple of appeals, one of which was rejected by the court, the other we are still waiting for information from the courts.

So far all the cases taken to court refer to debts of 2004,from now on debtors will be taken to court for amounts owing from 2005 and 2006 together. The reason that only debts of 2004 were taken to court up until now is that there was huge amount of work the Administrators had to carry out to determine the exact amounts of debt in each case. The information presented to the court must be accurate to the last centimos otherwise the case will be rejected. Taking the cases from 2004 to court first has allowed much needed money to be recovered and allowed time for the figures of 2005 /2006 to be prepared, which has now been done. Because of the large number of cases, only a small number can be presented to the court each month. I have been advised that there are 14 cases to appear before court from now until 28th March.

There was a report of a lady resident of the park, falling over some blocks on the road, placed there by the two Spanish youths, referred to in a previous post. She sustained injury to her hands according to the report. She apparently asked the youths to remove the offending blocks, the response from the youths appears to have been the throwing of stones at her property and verbal abuse. Pepe said he is trying to find out the names of the youths so that action can be taken against them.

It was proposed that the Gardeners´water taps should be removed from the casitas in all the circles. After some discussion it was accepted that taps should be removed in some of the circles due to some owners abusing their use by washing the roads, and building properties using water they are not paying for. In other circles they will remain because the owners in these circles spend much time and effort in keeping them nice and an asset to the Park as a whole.

The question of the Gardener ( Juan) and his lack of tools to work with, was raised. Several owners have complaind that Juan is not "doing anything", Juan has told me he has no tools to "do anything" with, a ridiculous situation. Jaun told Pepe he needed a strimmer and some weedkiller. The present strimmer is broken, possibly beyond repair. Pepe refused apparently to obtain either a strimmer or weedkiller, I have not been able to find out the reason for this decision. The Committee discussed the matter and decided a new (good quality not the cheapest) strimmer should be purchased and Pepe was asked to obtain one.

Pepe told the Committee that he wanted the water and electric meters read and bills made out every two months rather than the three month period as at present. The subject was discussed, points being made that it would incur six readings a year, instead of the present four, a lot more work for the Administrators, plus the expense of printing out of extra bills and there would be no particular advantage to doing this.
At this point Pepe became very agitated and said that if he did not get his way on this issue he would resign as President on the 19th of February after the court case between Antonio Escudera and himself, whatever the outcome of that case. He is already obliged to do that anyway after a proposal that this should happen was voted on and accepted by a majority of owners at the AGM in September 2006. Pepe was told that the committee wanted to keep things as they are and not change to a two monthly billing system as he had proposed.

A proposal was put forward by Dorothy, that the rental for the Bar should be increased. It was pointed out by Derek Olive that the agreement for the Bar allows no increase in the rental for five years, after which the rental will rise by the cost of inflation every year. The meeting drifted to a close.

It often very difficult to report accurately all that is discussed at these meetings, there seems no formal structure, very often two or three conversations are going on at the same time, subjects being discussed are frequently changed without any resolution of the first one. It was proposed before Christmas that Committee meetings be held at the bar in future. this would allow seating to be arranged so that everyone at the meeting could hear what was going on, there would be room for owners to sit in and listen to the meeting. It was also proposed that half an hour be set aside at the end of the meeting to allow any owners who wanted to, ask questions or raise issues they had interest in. Pepe accepted these proposals, but to date this has not happened.

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