Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Shower Blocks 3 and 10

Half of shower block 10 has been converted into a garage / store by fitting an "up and over" door in the end. The newly acquired vehicle for the gardener is kept in this when not in use, as are his tools.

Even though there was an overwhelming vote by the owners at the last AGM to close ALL shower blocks, the committee felt it would be prudent to have at least one set of shower facilities available.
So the next quarter of the block has been fitted out as a "wet room" containing shower, wash basin and toilet. One set for male use, one set for female use, sharing a common entrance. The original specification called for the hot water supply to be controlled by a card payment system. The committee felt that those owners wishing to use the wet rooms should pay towards the cost of water and electricity they used. However at this moment in time no such system has been fitted, and an explanation of why not has so far eluded us ........ watch this space !

Please note :- THERE WILL BE NO CLEANER EMPLOYED therefore those using the wet room are expected to keep it clean themselves using the materials supplied.

Juan Muñez carried out the conversion work of both the garage and wet room. He has been paid 5950 Euro as can be seen from the bank statement.

Pepe went against the committees wishes by employing Juan Muñez to do the work, not waiting for the three quotes to be obtained the committee insisted on having by unanimous vote.

The final quarter of the shower block has been rented by an owner as a lock up storage space, at a rental charge of 200 Euro per year.

Block 3 is to be left "as is" for the time being.

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