Sunday, 4 February 2007

Car for the Gardener

Following complaints from the Town Hall regarding the rubbish bins at the top of the site being filled with garden waste, it was decided by Pepe and the committee to investigate the possibility of purchasing a vehicle for the gardener to transport the garden rubbish to the disposal yard behind the fire station. This car was to be fully legal, as it was to be used on public roads and ideally costing no more than 1500 Euro. The gentleman living at plot 468 made it known he was selling his car and wanted 1000 Euro for it. Whilst fairly old, it is in sound mechanical condition, four wheel drive, with removable top, and a legal tow bar. The ideal vehicle for the needs of the park.
At the next committee meeting it was proposed we should purchase the vehicle. Pepe said he had located a vehicle for 3000 Euro. The committee rejected that offer and voted to buy the car from plot 468. This has now been done. The total cost was, purchase of the car 1000 Euro, ITV test 40 Euro, plus transfer fees and insurance.

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