Monday, 30 April 2007
Extraordinary General Meeting
Contrary to a previous post the EGM mentioned has now been called for Wednesday the 9th May 2007. Several different notices have been made, with different dates and times, however the latest one is attached in English given to me by APYME this morning.
I would urge as many owners as possible to attend what could prove to be an important meeting.
Those of you unable to attend can still have your voice heard, attached is a proxy voting slip.
If you would like me to represent you, please print off the form, fill in your Name, Plot Number, Passport Number and signature, and return it by Email to.....
A copy of your Passport would also be helpful.
If for some reason you are unable to print off the form here, please send me an email to.... and I will send the form as an attachment for you.
This meeting has been called at very short notice, certainly too short a period for the notice to be posted to England, and then posted back to Spain. I have been advised by the Administrators Office that the minimum notice to be given for an EGM is 24 hours, the minimum period for an AGM is 6 days. Proxy votes sent by email are allowed.
Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very Much,
Neill Stacey.
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Private Bathrooms
None of us in the Office could be quite sure what he was complaining about, so Emilia was asked to translate.
Apparently, when the latest Wet room was finished, Pepe gave this gentleman a key so he and his family could use it. An English Owner was refurbishing his bathroom and needed to use the Wet room for a couple of days. As Pepe was not here the English Owner borrowed the key from the Spanish owner, and whilst borrowing it had one cut for himself and gave the original key back to the Spanish Owner.
The Spanish Owner was complaining because he wanted not only his own key back, but also the copy the English Owner had. We explained to the Spanish Owner that the Wet rooms were for the use of all Owners, not just him and his family. He was very unhappy about being told this.
He seemed to think Mi Sol had built him his own personal "His`n´Hers" bathrooms !!
This is an Owner who has not paid his bills. Whilst not living here permanently, he and his family spend quite long periods on Mi Sol.
As he finally went out of the Office door he said to Emilia " You have been no help at all "
Friday, 27 April 2007
Update 30/04/2007.
I have been advised by a member of the Committee that the name of the deceased Owner mentioned above was removed from the Mi Sol database as from the 31/12/2004.
I would refer you also to the post "Committee Meeting" dated 24th April 2007, in which I attached a document given to the Committee at that meeting. We, the Committee were told that this document was essentially the judgement showing Pepe had won the case. I have been advised that in fact this was only the submission to the Court by Mi Sol Lawyers, a similar one was presented by the Lawyers for the Other faction. The judgement has yet to be handed down by the Court. I apologise for this error, but I was only repeating what we had been told at the Committee meeting.
I should have had a better translation of the document before posting its contents here.
Trying to learn from this experience, I was given a document today that could be of great importance to the Community, a copy will be posted here, but not until I have taken it to a specialist Lawyer for translation. The translation of legal documents is very difficult even for people fluent in both languages.I will try to have the translated document posted here before the EGM called for the 4th May if possible.
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Internet Cafe
Internet equipment has been installed in the Bar, for use by anyone for a small charge.
Simply insert a few coins and surf the net or read your emails.
There is no excuse now for anyone not being able to read this Web Log !!!
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Swimming Pool
Recently I engaged in discussions with Mr Robert Moran, who runs Mi Sol Bar, these discussions concerned the administration and day to day running of the Swimming Pool. Attached is a provisional agreement I produced for transferring the day to day operation of the pool to Mr Moran. I must stress this is a provisional agreement, subject to Mi Sol Lawyers providing a legally binding document. I informed Pepe that I had reached agreement with Mr Moran and gave him a copy in Spanish. In order to avoid rumour and speculation, this information was not divulged to anyone else until the Committee meeting this morning. Mr Moran had been invited to the meeting and did attend.
The Committee were presented with this proposal which was accepted favourably by all present, however Committee member Mr Danny Cull said that Pepe and the Committee were not empowered to make this decision, which should be made by the Owners at an AGM. I asked him "why not " and where was his proof for making this statement?, after all we were not giving the Swimming Pool away, merely delegating responsibility for its administration to Mr Moran.
After several minutes of discussion, all agreed (including Mr Cull) that the agreement was in principle a good idea, although no actual vote was taken. Mr Moran explained, that he was in a very good position to control access to the pool and keep the hooligan element out, and that he would extend his present insurance policy to cover the Swimming Pool. He would ask the previous Gardener Juan to carry out the maintenance as he was familiar with this work.
After the meeting agreed to the proposal Pepe indicated that he would ask the Lawyers to draw up a suitable contract.
I pointed out that the pool needed some repairs to the tiles , Mr Moran indicated that he had treated around twenty casualties last year for injuries due to missing tiles, It was agreed the pool would be emptied, the tiles replaced by Juan Muñez, after the which the pool would be re-filled and the agreement with Mr Moran would come into force, subject to the agreement by a majority of Owners at the proposed EGM on May 4th 2007.
The pool still has a leak, which has been there for several years. Mr Moran was told that he would be responsible for replenishing the pool, which has a separate water meter.
For those of you who may have reservations about this agreement I would point out the advantages to all Owners on Mi Sol. The Community will save a considerable amount of money, by not having to pay for a Lifeguard/ticket collector, no money spent on chemicals or for someone to carry out the maintenance work, or for the cost of water to keep the pool topped up due to the leak. The most important aspect of this agreement is that liability is transferred to the Bar in respect of any claims that may be made by persons injured whilst using the pool.
The pool is likely to be kept open for use for much longer periods of the year than at present, and will be under the control of one person, so everyone knows where they stand.
All Owners will still use the pool at any time without charge. We are not giving the pool away, merely transferring the administration of it to Mr Moran
With regard to the leak, I remember some seven years ago, an engineer was employed to determine the cause of the leak, it was found to be a cracked pipe between the pump room and the pool. Pepe wanted the wall of the pool to be demolished and repairs effected, however I pointed out that the best and cheapest option would be for a steel sleeve to be inserted inside the offending pipe and welded at each end, no need for any demolition of the wall.
However the result is that nothing has been done about it and the pool continues to leak a considerable amount of water each day it is full.
At the open meeting in October 2006 the other faction pointed this out and complained about the cost of water the Community was having to pay due to this leak.
Committee Meeting
A meeting of the Committee was held this morning Tuesday 24thApril 2007. Several items were discussed, but two items in particular dominated proceedings, these were yesterdays Court case, and the Swimming pool.
This post refers to the court case yesterday, where it would appear the other faction were trying to obtain Mi Sol bank accounts, Office keys, and all other paperwork appertaining to the Community.
Attached is a document presented to the meeting. I have not had the opportunity to obtain a literal translation, but it would seem that essentially the case was thrown out when Mi Sol Lawyers were able to demonstrate to the Judge that Pepe was the President of Mi Sol. This is what we were told at the meeting. An EGM has been called for the the 4th of May 2007, to be held on the bar Terrace. To be honest, I have not been able to establish what this meeting has been called for.
After the meeting certain information was given to me, which I am not prepared to divulge here at this time, however I will be making my best efforts to confirm the authenticity of this information. If it proves to be accurate, it will certainly be the main topic at the forthcoming EGM.
Prior to the Committee meeting I approached the leader of the other faction, regarding his unhappiness at Web Log postings here about him. See previous post.
He said he did not want me to write anything about him on this Web Log, I asked him a simple question "Did he consider himself president of Mi Sol Park ?" After asking him several times he eventually answered yes. I replied that if this was the case then the Owners of Mi Sol Park were entitled to know what he said and what he did. I am not taking sides on this Web Log, I just want to present you with the most accurate information possible.
We discussed the question of exchange of documents between the two sides, he is adamant that APYME is to blame, I explained I had seen the diary of events in the Office of APYME, however I do accept that an entry regarding a phone call to Lavado is not proof that the call was actually made. I gave him my assurance that I would ask APYME to contact Lavado to arrange the meeting in light of the fact that the Leader of the other faction assures me the documents on their side, required for exchange are ready. I will do as I agreed and we will see what happens.
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Email to Spanish Consulate
Friday, 20 April 2007
Letter to the "Other Faction "
I refer you to a previous post entitled "What a waste of Money" where an Owner was sent a registered letter from the leader of the other faction via their Administrator Lavado.
The Owner in question has contacted me advising that she has sent a reply by registered post to Lavado to give to the leader of the other faction. A copy is posted here, as is a copy of the registered envelope. She also told me that after discussing the letter she received, with the Police in England, she was advised to contact the Spanish Consulate in England, which she has done.
I will post a copy of this communication, and any reply she receives here when I have them available.
Update 30/04/2007
The Administrator of the other faction has received the letter sent by an Owner in England. Here is the message from the GPO tracking service:-
Your item with reference LY254884526GB was delivered in SPAIN before 13:51
on 23/04/07.
Thank you for using this service.
Pepe told me today that he has given a copy of the letter from the "other faction" to Mi Sol Lawyers.
I have been sent a note to collect a certificated letter sent by Lavado. I will not be collecting it for two reasons. Firstly I am not going to waste my time standing in a queue of the main Post Office in Torrevieja, and second the letter is addressed incorrectly to Stacey and Butterworth.
As many of you will know, Sandra, my former partner, has not lived in Spain for at least four years. If their mailing list is so out of date, it could beg the question, how many letters costing 3.99 Euro each are being sent to England never to reach their destination, simply because, sadly Owners have passed away, moved house or simply have no connection with Mi Sol now ?
A third party was approached yesterday by the leader of the "other faction" complaining bitterly that I had made personal comments against him on this Web Log. Having re-read the posts, I am not sure that is the case. Apparently the posts were translated for him by a person or persons unknown, and I have no way of knowing how good the quality of that translation was.
I have no intention or indeed need to make personal attacks on anyone here, simply presenting the truth and the facts, supported by documents when possible. The reader is left to draw their own conclusions. Reports of conversations can usually be substantiated by witnesses to that conversation. If any reader concludes that anything written here is an attack on them personally, that is their prerogative. However should anything I write here be proved not to be true, then I will be happy to remove the offending post and issue a full and unequivocal public apology. These posts are not meant to be attacks on any particular person or persons, but simply to inform as many Owners as possible what actually is going on in Mi Sol on a day to basis.
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Pepe also produced a "brand new" strimmer to replace the old "new one" Whilst still not a heavy duty model, it is at least made by Stihl. Much better than the old one, and we will be able have it repaired when it becomes faulty, as parts are easily available.
Re Cheque 002169590
On the Bank Statement just posted you will see cheque number 002169590 for the amount of 924.28 Euro, a copy is attached. This cheque was written Al Portador, this was done for a good reason as I will explain.
This figure of 924.28 Euro is the amount of Suma (rates) charged by the Town Hall in respect of plots under the blanket Mi Sol Escritura. It includes fines for late payment and refers back in many cases to 2004 / 2005 / 2006. The Owners of these plots should pay these amounts to Mi Sol, but many have not done so. The Administrators have indicated that these amounts will be added to the Owners annual bills, both for these amounts and all future amounts. It must be pointed out that all Owners are liable for Suma payments, even those with plots under the Mi Sol Blanket Escritura, and should make their own arrangements to pay it.
Pepe asked me to deal with the payment of this demand for 924.28 Euro, and a cheque was written as mentioned for that amount. Because it was the last day for payment, before more serious action was taken, the money had to be paid into the Suma account in cash.
Unfortunately, only certain Banks are authorised to accept payments on behalf of the Town Hall, Banco Popular is not one of them. I had to cash the cheque at Banco Popular, and take the cash to La Caixa Bank nearby, where the Suma Bill was paid. This is the reason this particular cheque was written Al Portador.
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
New Gardener
Steve has previous experience of the work in England and seems keen to make the Park a much nicer and tidier place.
Pepe has asked me to be responsible for overseeing the gardening, which I am happy to do. I just hope he keeps to this, as the last time he changed his mind very quickly. We shall see.
Pepe was going to employ a young man who formerly worked for Juan Muñez, but changed his mind when it was discovered the young man in question did not possess a driving licence.
Last Saturday 14Th April, Pepe was here for a few hours, and during this time a meeting was held between himself, Emilia ,Steve and myself, to determine the terms of employment for Steve.
I have to say it was quite a difficult conversation as Pepe changed his mind several times on various things. However I am preparing a letter outlining the terms of employment, in order that Steve knows where he stands and what the Community expect from their Gardener. There are a couple of points outstanding which I need to agree with Pepe, before presenting it to the Committee for their approval.
Steve officially started work today Monday 16Th April, however because it was a Valencian holiday, and due to the fact that Pepe had not left the strimmer in the Garage as promised, or left the keys to the car, activities were confined to showing Steve around the Park and explaining certain duties he would be expected to carry out.
If Pepe keeps to his word of delegating the Gardening, I am sure we will see a big improvement in the Park. It will not happen overnight, there is a great deal of catching up to do.
One of our Owners, Mr Brian Stennet, has very kindly loaned us the use of his McCulloch Strimmer, it will be very useful if our own strimmer breaks down again, and for work where our own strimmer is not strong enough.
Monday, 16 April 2007
Tool Receipt
As promised in a previous post, here is a copy of the receipt Pepe produced regarding the purchase of gardening tools. The total being 600 Euro. I must apologise for the poor quality of the copy.
You will notice there is no Letterhead, and no D.N.I./C.I.F number.
The first item of 275 Euro appears to be for a chain saw. This was confirmed by two separate and independent translators. I have not seen this machine and Pepe has not mentioned it. As far as I know, the Committee did not ask him to acquire it.
The second item of 175 Euro is for the strimmer. As you will recall the Committee asked Pepe to obtain a "good quality"one, which would have cost between 300 and 450 Euro.
The third item of 120 Euro is for 20 litres of weed killer. This is in the gardening store.
The fourth item of 10 Euro is for work gloves and an hacha (hoe).
The fifth item of 20 Euros seems to be for petrol for the above machines. I do not know where that is .
Friday, 13 April 2007
Attached is a list of four cheques Pepe asked me to counter sign.
Naturally I asked him what they were for, and asked to see the invoices. So far Pepe has not produced the invoices as requested. I hope to be able to post copies of them soon.
The first cheque is, according to Pepe, for electrical work.
The second and third cheques, (not yet dated) are for the installation of the second Wet Room by Juan Muñez. This is in what was Shower Block 2, this is against the wishes of the Committee who voted for it to be in Shower Block 4 at the bottom of the Park.
The fourth cheque is to pay the Suma (rates) which are levied by the Town Hall for plots which do not have an Escritura, or for plots which do have an Escritura but whose Owners are not paying the Suma.
You will notice all the cheques are marked Al Portador (cash), I am very unhappy about this.
It is a perfectly valid question to ask.. If I am so unhappy about this situation why do I sign them ? I am in somewhat of a cleft stick in this situation, if I refuse to sign these cheques, Pepe will just go to Shelagh Shaw, as the Secretary to sign them. If he does this, I will not get to know what is going on, and therefore will not be able report these things to you here. I am hoping the Committee will tell Pepe that no cheques will be signed for work not authorised by the Committee, and except in certain special circumstances; no cheques should be made out Al Portador. Whether we succeed in this remains to be seen.
There seems no reason why these cheques should not be written in the names of the people receiving them. I leave you to draw your own conclusions regarding why cheques are written Al Portador.
You will also notice cheques two and three are for identical amounts Euro 2975.00. This has happened before, as in the payment for the transformer repairs. An Owner recently sent me an email asking the reason for this. The explanation is as follows:-
Any single payment in, withdrawal, or cheque cashed for more than Euro 2999.00 in a single day has to be reported by the Bank to Hacienda (the Taxman). Cheques for Euro 3001.00 are very rarely seen !!
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Meeting with Administrator
I asked Alberto to give his explanation in reply to the allegation by Paco, that their Administrator Lavado had been unable to arrange a meeting between the two sides.
Alberto showed me his diary for November 2006, which shows a meeting between himself, Paco, and Lavado. One point missing from Paco´s version of the meeting is the demand by them that the Mi Sol accounts are subject to an official audit for every year 2003 to present day.
This subject has been dealt with in a previous post.
Alberto said he had agreed to some of their demands, except The Audit. Cancelling of debts against the other side and stopping of all Court Cases.
In the diary, which I saw for myself, on the 28th November he made a telephone call to Lavado.
During this call he told Lavado that when he (Lavado) was ready to exchange books showing all the financial details he should telephone APYME to arrange a meeting for the exchange to take place.
APYME are still waiting for this telephone call from Lavado.
Alberto did say to me that if and when this meeting takes place he would like Pepe, myself, and other members of the Committee to be there.
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Note Produced by Paco
After the meeting referred to in the last post, Paco delivered a letter to Sheilagh Shaw, which is attached. A translation is given below:-
The Official accounts of Mi Sol are freely available for any Owner to view in the Office, or at the Administrators APYME.
Paco and his supporters have yet to show anyone a single document with any financial information. Until they do, there is no possibility that the Committee would even consider discussing any of the demands put forward by them.
Monday, 9 April 2007
What a waste of Money
Attached is a letter sent to an Owner in England, by Paco pretending to be president of Mi Sol. Also enclosed is a copy of the registered envelope, on which you will see the postage cost of 3.99 Euro,
about 2 Pounds seventy two pence in Sterling. The owner in question is considering asking the Police in England to investigate this, on the grounds that this letter is an attempt to fraudulently claim money.
On receiving a copy of this letter, Shelagh Shaw, Emilia and myself went to see Paco and his accomplice Pedro. Our initial enquiry was to determine if Paco had authorised the sending of the letter, and if it was his signature at the bottom. Paco confirmed that in both cases it was true.
When asked why they had sent this letter, he replied that they had been made to pay twice, so they were getting their own back!!
It was pointed out to him that the letter was not legal because it was in English, not Spanish. He replied they would have it translated.
We asked why they had wasted so much money on registering a useless document. There was no coherent reply.
We asked who was paying the cost of sending these letters. Again no coherent reply was forthcoming.
They maintained that their activities would continue, until Pepe was no longer President.
It was pointed out to them, yet again, that their complaint was against Pepe, not the Community, but their actions were affecting the Community in an adverse way, and have done so for the last four years. Again it was explained to them that most Owners now felt that after ten years in office, it was time for a new President, therefore why did they not pay their fees to the Banco Popular account, and turn up to vote for what they want at the next AGM.
This would be the quickest and most democratic way to achieve their stated aim of wanting a new President. For some reason, best known to themselves, they seem totally unwilling or incapable of grasping this simple concept.
Pedro explained he had paid his water and electricity charges to Mi Sol, but was withholding the Community charges, unless forced to pay them by the Courts. He was advised that the Court cases for debt are continuing, so he might as well just pay his fees, and use his democratic right to vote as explained above.
Paco demanded, again, that all debts incurred by him and his supporters be written off by the Community. I explained that in due course this would have to be a matter for all Owners to decide, not just one person. Given the enormous financial and social damage their actions have caused to the Community over the last four years, and that still to this date they have not produced a single document detailing their financial activities, it is difficult to see how the Community would accept their demand.
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Swimming Pool Rules
Attached is a copy of an article from the CBN in 2000, kindly lent to me by an Owner.
I must apologise for it not being the easiest document to read, but it was the only way I could post it at this time.
It would seem to suggest that Mi Sol does not need to employ a Lifeguard, assuming the theoretical maximum number of bathers is less than 100.
It also seems to suggest that Owners who have not paid their Community bill are still entitled to use the pool.
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Sewerage Problem
I telephoned Pepe who offered to come back from Murcia to deal with the situation, I said that would not be necessary, as I would try to deal with the problem. He advised me that the Septic tank might need pumping out. With the help of Emilia, the deft use of a hosepipe, and by pumping out the Septic tank, we appear to have resolved the problem.
It seems that occasionally, the automatic float switch for the sewerage pump does not work, dealing with this is one of the jobs normally carried out by Juan.
Conversation with Pepe
After the sacking of Juan the Gardener on Saturday 31st March 2007, for the second time this year, ( Please see a previous post for details of his severance pay. ), I had the following conversation with Pepe.
I asked Pepe if he had managed to obtain a new Gardener, he answered no, but that he was searching in the Spanish equivalent of the Job Centre for one. So once again the Park has no Gardener / handyman.
I asked him what had happened to the new strimmer, that has not been seen since it broke down after a couple of weeks use. He replied that it was too badly damaged for repairs under guarantee and that he had to buy a new one.
Pepe was told that I had paid for the repairs to Juans´own strimmer, at a cost of 53.20 Euro, see attached bills. He asked why I had done that, in reply I pointed out that Juan had broken his strimmer whilst working on Mi Sol and that he could not afford to have it repaired himself until he received his next wages. Because of this I had agreed to pay for the repairs.
It is worth noting that Juans´strimmer is a Stihl, a good make, and as you can see, pretty easily repaired.
At this point Pepe berated me, saying that I had no authority to spend Mi Sol money. I answered that in fact I had not spent any money belonging to Mi Sol, this was a private arrangement between Juan and myself, and further that if Pepe had bought a "proper" strimmer as requested by the Committee, Mi Sol would not now be the proud owners of a scrap machine, bought only a few weeks ago. At this point the conversation ended.
Stolen Plants
They were removed carefully, not just pulled out by vandals.
This will not deter those Owners who donate their time to improving the Park from continuing.
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Recent Statements from Banco Popular show a balance of around 30,000 Euro.
I received word today that another 9,000 Euro has been paid in cash to Mi Sol Lawyers by the owner of the flats, most of which has already been spent using the cheques as detailed in the last post. Due to the success of the Court judgements against debtors, the Bank Balance is increasing all the time.
Several Committee members, myself included, are concerned that this money be wisely used.
On April 21st 2007 there is another Court case against Pepe, as previously mentioned. In the unlikely event that Pepe loses this case, all Bank Accounts, money, keys etc, will have to be handed over to the other faction. We fear that if this does happen, the money will effectively disappear and not be used for the benefit of the majority of Owners. Even if Pepe wins, we still want to see the money used to good effect.
For some time now we have been working on plans to have the roads on the Park laid to Tarmac. This is what the majority of Owners want, and would help to make Mi Sol a better place for all of us. Some of the roads are in a pretty bad state since excavations have been carried out for various reasons.
I contacted the Asphalt Company Amaro, and their representative visited Mi Sol two days ago.
His measurements revealed that the total area to be covered amounts to about 22,000 square metres. The quotation from Amaro is attached, this is for approximately HALF of the Park i.e 12,000 square metres.
The Company require a 50 % deposit before starting, the rest on completion. Clearly, at the moment we are not in a position to do that for half the Park. However we may be able to start by having a quarter of the Park laid to tarmac. This is not ideal, but at least we would be making a start, instead of just talking about it, as has happened during the last six years.
We intend to propose to Pepe and the rest of the Committee that a deposit of 25,000 Euro be made to Amaro, and when the rest of the money is available, instruct them to carry out work on the first section of the Park. We would continue to do this until all the required work had been done. I must stress, this is only an idea. Whether Pepe and the majority of the Committee agree to it remains to be seen. At least we now have hard facts regarding the costs involved, on which proper decisions can be made.
By coincidence, Pepe turned up whilst the meeting with the Amaro Representative was taking place. He did not seem very pleased that some of us were using our own initiative to try and get things done. He told the Amaro Representative that he (Pepe) was going to get a quote from another company. We all agreed that was a very good idea.
Here is a letter to the Banco Popular authorizing them to honour the cheques as listed.
1. The payment of wages to Juan the Gardener for March.
2. This cheque is for Severance Pay to Juan the Gardener. This is the second time Pepe has sacked him this year.
3. This cheque is for the normal monthly fee to the Administrators, APYME.
4. This cheque is for an Accountant, we are obliged to use one when the Park has any Employees.
5. These are the two cheques mentioned in the last Post for repairs to the Transformer.
6. They are written "Al Portador" which means cash.