Tuesday 17 April 2007

New Gardener

I am pleased to report the appointment of a new Gardener for Mi Sol. His name is Steve Foley, and he recently moved onto the Park as an Owner. His wife is a hairdresser.

Steve has previous experience of the work in England and seems keen to make the Park a much nicer and tidier place.

Pepe has asked me to be responsible for overseeing the gardening, which I am happy to do. I just hope he keeps to this, as the last time he changed his mind very quickly. We shall see.

Pepe was going to employ a young man who formerly worked for Juan Muñez, but changed his mind when it was discovered the young man in question did not possess a driving licence.

Last Saturday 14Th April, Pepe was here for a few hours, and during this time a meeting was held between himself, Emilia ,Steve and myself, to determine the terms of employment for Steve.

I have to say it was quite a difficult conversation as Pepe changed his mind several times on various things. However I am preparing a letter outlining the terms of employment, in order that Steve knows where he stands and what the Community expect from their Gardener. There are a couple of points outstanding which I need to agree with Pepe, before presenting it to the Committee for their approval.

Steve officially started work today Monday 16Th April, however because it was a Valencian holiday, and due to the fact that Pepe had not left the
strimmer in the Garage as promised, or left the keys to the car, activities were confined to showing Steve around the Park and explaining certain duties he would be expected to carry out.

If Pepe keeps to his word of delegating the Gardening, I am sure we will see a big improvement in the Park. It will not happen overnight, there is a great deal of catching up to do.

One of our Owners, Mr Brian Stennet, has very kindly loaned us the use of his McCulloch Strimmer, it will be very useful if our own strimmer breaks down again, and for work where our own strimmer is not strong enough.

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