After the meeting referred to in the last post, Paco delivered a letter to Sheilagh Shaw, which is attached. A translation is given below:-
At a meeting with the Administrator of D. Jose Requelme, we agreed to move the next committee meeting to submit the following points.
To create a new Bank Account for the Electricity and Water payments, and all the Community to pay into this account.. It will only be used for the payment of Water and Electricity accounts and all cheques will have to be signed by both Presidents.
To set up a pardon of the debt to the Community for those Owners who paid to the other Committee.
To postpone all court cases existing for Community, Water and Electricity fees.
Exchange account books from 2003, to know who paid to both sides.
To have the same total of Water, Electricity and Community fees.
To convene a new Extraordinary General Meeting to elect a new President, but Pepe not allowed to stand for re-election.
Paco claims that since November 2006 their Administrator Lavado, has been unable to arrange a meeting with Mi Sol Administrators APYME.. I have spoken to APYME about this on more than one occasion, they say that despite making arrangements several times with Lavado, he has failed to keep the appointments. I will be speaking to APYME again tomorrow and will try to confirm the dates of these arrangements.
The Official accounts of Mi Sol are freely available for any Owner to view in the Office, or at the Administrators APYME.
Paco and his supporters have yet to show anyone a single document with any financial information. Until they do, there is no possibility that the Committee would even consider discussing any of the demands put forward by them.
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